[Erp5-users] oood: can it handle master fields?

Bartek Gorny bartek at gorny.edu.pl
Mon Apr 20 11:39:49 CEST 2009

2009/4/20 Marco Bizzarri <marco.bizzarri at gmail.com>:
> Not sure wheter this is the proper place for a patch... anyway, I'm

There is no other place for patches :) I'll review it and commit.

> If I understand correctly, a single oood could be enough to answer all
> the requests from a Zope application (the other requests will queue
> and wait to be served), and I could emply the multi-oood just for
> improved responsiveness or fault-tolerance. Is that right?

Yes. oood can manage a pool of instances of OpenOffice and pool/queue
requests. Multi-oood is meant for clustering - to run many oood's on
multiple machines.


> Regards
> Marco
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Bartek Gorny <bartek at gorny.edu.pl> wrote:
>> 2009/4/17 Marco Bizzarri <marco.bizzarri at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I've started working from a few days with oood; I wonder if it can
>>> handle MasterFields substitutions; I'm writing a patch by myself to
>>> make it possible to handle them but I would rather not duplicate the
>>> effort, if possible...
>> Hi
>> AFAIK nobody's working on it, so you can safely go ahead.
>> Bartek
>>> Regards
>>> Marco
>>> --
>>> Marco Bizzarri
>>> http://notenotturne.blogspot.com/
>>> http://iliveinpisa.blogspot.com/
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> Marco Bizzarri
> http://notenotturne.blogspot.com/
> http://iliveinpisa.blogspot.com/
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