[Erp5-users] oood: can it handle master fields?

Marco Bizzarri marco.bizzarri at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 10:55:40 CEST 2009

Not sure wheter this is the proper place for a patch... anyway, I'm
posting it here. The proposed patch provides a new public function
called 'generate_with_user_fields', which accepts a dictionary. Once
it receives the values, it looks in the document for the master
fields, and then changes their value.

Besides, the patch could be done against not the latest version of
oood... in any case, I will provide the patch for the latest version
as well, if necessary.

Now, a question: I've developed this patch to substitute the use of
the other oood, from the pyuno site. Our use case is the following: we
create documents inside a zope application, we send them to oood to
fill/convert them, and then we can store or send them to the user.

If I understand correctly, a single oood could be enough to answer all
the requests from a Zope application (the other requests will queue
and wait to be served), and I could emply the multi-oood just for
improved responsiveness or fault-tolerance. Is that right?


On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Bartek Gorny <bartek at gorny.edu.pl> wrote:
> 2009/4/17 Marco Bizzarri <marco.bizzarri at gmail.com>:
>> Hi all.
>> I've started working from a few days with oood; I wonder if it can
>> handle MasterFields substitutions; I'm writing a patch by myself to
>> make it possible to handle them but I would rather not duplicate the
>> effort, if possible...
> Hi
> AFAIK nobody's working on it, so you can safely go ahead.
> Bartek
>> Regards
>> Marco
>> --
>> Marco Bizzarri
>> http://notenotturne.blogspot.com/
>> http://iliveinpisa.blogspot.com/
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Marco Bizzarri
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