[Erp5-users] ERP5 on Ubuntu

Claudius Hamlet hamletclaud at yahoo.de
Thu Jan 3 10:12:14 CET 2008


In fact, the patch did the trick and I can now start zope, create an ERP5-site and install and activate the business templates. 

However, if I as admin begin to create organizations and persons as described in http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ERP5_Handbook/Lets_go... I run into problems. The organizations and persons are created as Zope objects alright and I can access them through the Zope management interface. 

However, these objects neither show up in the list of the organization resp. person module nor in any other search. Probably for that reason I also cannot activate one person as a user.

Any ideas?


----- Ursprüngliche Mail ----
Von: Claudius Hamlet <hamletclaud at yahoo.de>
An: erp5-users at erp5.org
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 2. Januar 2008, 21:57:26 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [Erp5-users] ERP5 on Ubuntu

Thanks a lot --- seems that did the trick! 

Best regards,


----- Ursprüngliche Mail ----
Von: Yoshinori Okuji <yo at nexedi.com>
An: erp5-users at erp5.org
Gesendet: Sonntag, den 30. Dezember 2007, 14:28:12 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [Erp5-users] ERP5 on Ubuntu

On Sunday 30 December 2007 09:25, Claudius Hamlet wrote:
> This works out resonably well, except that ERP5Form makes trouble (I
> include the stacktrace below). When I remove ERP5Form from the
> zope starts up alright and all other products are visible from within
> zope management interface. I can't create an ERP5 site, though, as
> obviously depends on ERP5Form, and so this is a bit pointless.

It is mostly likely that you use an old and non-patched iHotfix. The
 rpm for 
Mandriva includes my patch (which is already incorporated into recent 
versions of iHotfix), and I bet that luke's deb package should also
 have this 
patch applied.

Yoshinori Okuji, Nexedi CTO
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