[Erp5-users] erp5_forge BT is not installable...

Jérôme Perrin jerome at nexedi.com
Tue Apr 10 13:28:39 CEST 2007

Le Jeudi 5 Avril 2007 15:18, Łukasz Nowak a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm using revision 13975 of products and business templates, mandriva
> 2006.0, 32bit. I've seen, that erp5_forge business template is not
> installable - it has erp5_view_style on dependency list, 


erp5_view_style is provided by erp5_xhtml_style.
If you have erp5_xhtml_style installed (according to installation_state of the 
business template document), the dependancy is satisfied. I just created a 
new site with latest products and erp5_forge installed directly.

Anyway, I have already seen that (re)installing a business template put this 
business template in "replaced" installation state, but still don't know 
exactly how to reproduce. Can you please check that you have an 
erp5_xhtml_style in installed state ?


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