[Erp5-users] Just a splash window...

alessandro bottoni alessandro.bottoni at infinito.it
Wed Jan 19 22:19:44 CET 2005

Alle 20:39, mercoledì 19 gennaio 2005, Giorgio ha scritto:
> Hi Alessandro,
> my understanding of erp5 is that it's more a framework than a "closed"
> product like Compiere or all the other ERPs, open source or not. 

Now the big picture becames clear!

> There 
> is nothing to see because you are supposed to build your ERP together
> with your customer. You have all the building blocks and this is how
> it's supposed to work, actually it's how "zope" works.

OK. This is a very good approach to the ERP issue but... see below.

> Soon we should get a demo which is like "plone" a kind of prototype to
> start with, I guess will be derived from Comray implementation.

OK. It becames even better. I think we all will greatly appreciate a way to:
1. test the whole system after installing it
2. start with when developing a new custom-specific ERP solution
3. provide "as is" to the not-so-rare companies that would find the packaged 
version a good solution for their needs (the same companies that most likely 
would use Compiere in place of the ERP5 framework alone)
4. use as a collection of working examples and code snippets when studying 
ERP5 and when developing new ERP5-based systems.

The powerful pair Zope/Plone demonstrates that this approach is a winning one.

> I think the concept is very well described in this article form erp5
> authors:
>      http://www.computer.org/itpro/cover_stories/smets.htm

I did not understand that ERP5 provided a framework _only_. I expected that it 
supplied a working "demo site" as well (as it is going to happen, actually).

Ciao e grazie delle info.

Alessandro Bottoni

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