[Erp5-dev] "category doesn't exists" during bt installation in test

Jacek Medrzycki jacek at erp5.pl
Fri Apr 11 08:44:49 CEST 2008

Ivan Tyagov pisze:
> The system will try to update local roles on the respective object being 
> installed/created. Probably you do not have such a category and you do 
> have on some portal types roles definitions that uses this category.
> You have to create this category otherwise you'll not be able to install 
> bt5.
> Regards
> Ivan
As I stated in my previous post, I DO HAVE this category, and IT IS 
included in apropriate files and dirs on filesystem after checkouting bt 
from SVN.

The key point is, that group category is redefined by one of earliers 
bts. If I remove this bt from the list of bts to load in test, my bt 
then installs (of course, the tests then fails as removed bt is required).

The situatiton:
bt A
bt B
bt C (redefines group!)
bt D (has group in Categories and portal_categories/group/** and 
portal_categories/function/** in Paths - fails to install)

If I load only A,B,D, then D installs.

The "Path" list box of D bt contained:

If I swap the order, ie. change it to:

Then D fails to install saying there is no category function/foo/shmoo, 
which, of course, IS also DEFINED by this bt. Strange to me.

Regards J.

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