[Neo-report] Neo : 450 Tests, 25 Errors, 10 Failures

gregory at nexedi.com gregory at nexedi.com
Mon Feb 22 12:51:56 CET 2010

                               NEO TESTS REPORT

    Date        : 2010-02-22
    Node        : blade9
    Processor   :  (64bit)
    System      : Linux (2.6.26-2-amd64)
    Directory   : /tmp/neo_m1HJYU
    Status      :  92.222%
              Test Module |   run   | success |  errors |  fails  |   time   
                ClientApp |    27   |    27   |     .   |     .   |   1.11s   
           ConnectionPool |     1   |     1   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
            MasterHandler |    14   |    14   |     .   |     .   |   0.01s   
           StorageHandler |    11   |    11   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
         neo.tests.client |         |         |         |         |          
                   Client |     4   |     4   |     .   |     .   |   8.81s   
                  Cluster |     4   |     4   |     .   |     .   |  21.17s   
             ImportExport |     2   |     1   |     1   |     .   |   3.69s   
                   Master |     4   |     3   |     .   |     1   |  50.83s   
                  Storage |    13   |    12   |     .   |     1   |  95.00s   
     neo.tests.functional |         |         |         |         |          
            ClientHandler |     7   |     7   |     .   |     .   |   0.01s   
          ElectionHandler |    25   |    25   |     .   |     .   |   0.03s   
                MasterApp |     2   |     2   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
                 MasterPT |     7   |     7   |     .   |     .   |   0.01s   
                 Recovery |     5   |     5   |     .   |     .   |   0.01s   
           StorageHandler |     7   |     7   |     .   |     .   |   0.16s   
             Transactions |     4   |     4   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
             Verification |     9   |     9   |     .   |     .   |   0.01s   
         neo.tests.master |         |         |         |         |          
            ClientHandler |    17   |    17   |     .   |     .   |   0.82s   
    InitializationHandler |     4   |     4   |     .   |     .   |   0.18s   
            MasterHandler |    12   |    12   |     .   |     .   |   0.57s   
               StorageApp |     3   |     3   |     .   |     .   |   0.14s   
           StorageHandler |    13   |    13   |     .   |     .   |   0.52s   
           StorageMySQLdb |    35   |    35   |     .   |     .   |   1.07s   
             Transactions |    13   |    13   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
      VerificationHandler |    13   |    13   |     .   |     .   |   0.53s   
        neo.tests.storage |         |         |         |         |          
                Bootstrap |     2   |     2   |     .   |     .   |   0.17s   
               Connection |    16   |    16   |     .   |     .   |   0.02s   
               Dispatcher |     4   |     4   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
                    Event |     2   |     2   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
                  Handler |     1   |     .   |     .   |     1   |   0.00s   
                    Nodes |    13   |    13   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
                       PT |    10   |    10   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
                 Protocol |    54   |    54   |     .   |     .   |   0.00s   
                neo.tests |         |         |         |         |          
                    Basic |    15   |    14   |     1   |     .   |  43.11s   
                 Conflict |     5   |     5   |     .   |     .   |  15.58s   
                  History |     4   |     4   |     .   |     .   |  12.41s   
                 Iterator |     8   |     2   |     4   |     2   |  20.35s   
                       MT |     5   |     2   |     1   |     2   | 315.31s   
               Persistent |     1   |     1   |     .   |     .   |   3.14s   
                 ReadOnly |     2   |     2   |     .   |     .   |   4.71s   
                 Revision |     7   |     3   |     3   |     1   |  17.14s   
          Synchronization |    11   |    11   |     .   |     .   |  32.58s   
                     Undo |    18   |     1   |    15   |     2   |  33.05s   
                     ZODB |    16   |    16   |     .   |     .   |  37.94s   
           neo.tests.zodb |         |         |         |         |          
                  Summary |   450   |   415   |    25   |    10   | 720.21s   

neo/tests/functional/testImportExport.py ImportExportTests.testImport
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/testImportExport.py", line 91, in testImport
    neo_storage.copyTransactionsFrom(dfs_storage, verbose=0)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/BaseStorage.py", line 433, in copyTransactionsFrom
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 60, in tpc_vote
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 652, in tpc_vote
    result = self.waitStoreResponses(tryToResolveConflict)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 627, in waitStoreResponses
    conflicts = _handleConflicts(tryToResolveConflict)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 608, in _handleConflicts
    serials=(tid, serial), data=data)
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x00, class persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping, serial this txn started with None, serial currently committed 0x0384463d6684ad33 2010-02-22 11:41:24.027719)

neo/tests/zodb/testBasic.py BasicTests.checkTwoArgBegin
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/BasicStorage.py", line 182, in checkTwoArgBegin
    self._storage.tpc_begin(t, tid)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 55, in tpc_begin
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 538, in tpc_begin
    raise NEOStorageError('tpc_begin failed')
NEOStorageError: tpc_begin failed

neo/tests/zodb/testIterator.py IteratorTests.checkClose
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 60, in checkClose
    self.assertRaises(IOError, txniter.__getitem__, 0)
AttributeError: 'Iterator' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

neo/tests/zodb/testIterator.py IteratorTests.checkExtendedIteration
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 178, in checkExtendedIteration
    txniter = self._storage.iterator(revid1, revid4)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 95, in iterator
    return self.app.iterator(start, stop)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 958, in iterator
    return Iterator(self, start, stop)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/iterator.py", line 79, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('partial scan not implemented yet')
NotImplementedError: partial scan not implemented yet

neo/tests/zodb/testIterator.py IteratorTests.checkLoadEx
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 155, in checkLoadEx
    data, tid, ver = self._storage.loadEx(oid, "")
AttributeError: Storage instance has no attribute 'loadEx'

neo/tests/zodb/testIterator.py IteratorTests.checkUndoZombieNonVersion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 103, in checkUndoZombieNonVersion
    oids = self._storage.undo(tid, t)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 790, in undo
    raise UndoError("no previous record", oid)
UndoError: Undo error 0x01: no previous record

neo/tests/zodb/testMT.py MTTests.check4ExtStorageThread
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 236, in check4ExtStorageThread
    self._checkNThreads(4, ExtStorageClientThread, self._storage, self)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 215, in _checkNThreads
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 39, in run
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 175, in runtest
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 204, in do_iterator
    for obj in iter:
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/iterator.py", line 101, in next
    oid_list = txn['oids']
KeyError: 'oids'

neo/tests/zodb/testRevision.py RevisionTests.checkLoadBefore
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py", line 55, in checkLoadBefore
    revs.append(self._storage.loadEx(oid, ""))
AttributeError: Storage instance has no attribute 'loadEx'

neo/tests/zodb/testRevision.py RevisionTests.checkLoadBeforeConsecutiveTids
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py", line 158, in checkLoadBeforeConsecutiveTids
    revid1 = helper(1, None, 1)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py", line 148, in helper
    self._storage.tpc_begin(t, p64(tid))
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 55, in tpc_begin
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 538, in tpc_begin
    raise NEOStorageError('tpc_begin failed')
NEOStorageError: tpc_begin failed

neo/tests/zodb/testRevision.py RevisionTests.checkLoadBeforeUndo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py", line 125, in checkLoadBeforeUndo
    self._undo(tid, [oid], note="undo %d" % i)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/StorageTestBase.py", line 224, in _undo
    return self._storage.lastTransaction()
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 146, in lastTransaction
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkCreationUndoneGetSerial
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 156, in checkCreationUndoneGetSerial
    self._storage.undo(tid, t)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 790, in undo
    raise UndoError("no previous record", oid)
UndoError: Undo error 0x01: no previous record

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkIndicesInUndoLog
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 786, in checkIndicesInUndoLog
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 748, in _exercise_info_indices
    redundant = info_func(last=-1000000)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
TypeError: undoLog() takes at least 3 non-keyword arguments (1 given)

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkNotUndoable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 386, in checkNotUndoable
    tid, t)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 320, in failUnlessRaises
    callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 803, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 627, in waitStoreResponses
    conflicts = _handleConflicts(tryToResolveConflict)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 608, in _handleConflicts
    serials=(tid, serial), data=data)
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x01, class ZODB.tests.MinPO.MinPO, serial this txn started with 0x0384464574f46c00 2010-02-22 11:49:27.411275, serial currently committed 0x0384464575076433 2010-02-22 11:49:27.428642)

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkPackAfterUndoDeletion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 561, in checkPackAfterUndoDeletion
    self._storage.pack(t, referencesf)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 138, in pack
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkPackAfterUndoManyTimes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 592, in checkPackAfterUndoManyTimes
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 381, in commit
    self._saveCommitishError() # This raises!
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 379, in commit
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 424, in _commitResources
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 552, in commit
    self.manager.commit(o, txn)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py", line 794, in commit
    tid, oids = self._db._storage.undo(self._tid, t)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 790, in undo
    raise UndoError("no previous record", oid)
UndoError: Undo error 0x03: no previous record

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkSimpleTransactionalUndo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 122, in checkSimpleTransactionalUndo
    self._undo(info[0]["id"], [oid], note="undo1")
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/StorageTestBase.py", line 224, in _undo
    return self._storage.lastTransaction()
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 146, in lastTransaction
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkTransactionalUndoAfterPackWithObjectUnlinkFromRoot
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 470, in checkTransactionalUndoAfterPackWithObjectUnlinkFromRoot
    root['obj'] = o1
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/persistent/mapping.py", line 53, in __setitem__
    self._p_changed = 1
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line 834, in register
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line 844, in _register
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 258, in join
    self._prior_operation_failed() # doesn't return
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 252, in _prior_operation_failed
    raise TransactionFailedError("An operation previously failed, "
TransactionFailedError: An operation previously failed, with traceback:

  File "/srv/neo/repository//trunk/tools/runner", line 362, in ?
    runner.run('ZODB tests', ZODB_TEST_MODULES)
  File "/srv/neo/repository//trunk/tools/runner", line 138, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 424, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 428, in __call__
    return self.run(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 424, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 281, in __call__
    return self.run(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 260, in run
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 592, in checkPackAfterUndoManyTimes
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 381, in commit
    self._saveCommitishError() # This raises!
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 379, in commit
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 424, in _commitResources
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 552, in commit
    self.manager.commit(o, txn)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py", line 794, in commit
    tid, oids = self._db._storage.undo(self._tid, t)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 790, in undo
    raise UndoError("no previous record", oid)
UndoError: Undo error 0x03: no previous record


neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkTransactionalUndoIterator
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 634, in checkTransactionalUndoIterator
    s.tpc_begin(t, tid)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 55, in tpc_begin
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 538, in tpc_begin
    raise NEOStorageError('tpc_begin failed')
NEOStorageError: tpc_begin failed

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkTwoObjectUndo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 239, in checkTwoObjectUndo
    self._undo(info[0]['id'], [oid1, oid2])
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/StorageTestBase.py", line 224, in _undo
    return self._storage.lastTransaction()
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 146, in lastTransaction
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkTwoObjectUndoAgain
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 333, in checkTwoObjectUndoAgain
    self._undo(info[0]["id"], [oid1, oid2])
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/StorageTestBase.py", line 224, in _undo
    return self._storage.lastTransaction()
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 146, in lastTransaction
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkTwoObjectUndoAtOnce
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 286, in checkTwoObjectUndoAtOnce
    tid, oids1 = self._storage.undo(tid1, t)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 803, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 627, in waitStoreResponses
    conflicts = _handleConflicts(tryToResolveConflict)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 608, in _handleConflicts
    serials=(tid, serial), data=data)
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x01, class ZODB.tests.MinPO.MinPO, serial this txn started with 0x03844645daa1ff99 2010-02-22 11:49:51.242064, serial currently committed 0x03844645dab7aa66 2010-02-22 11:49:51.261901)

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkUndoCreationBranch1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 170, in checkUndoCreationBranch1
    self._undo(info[0]['id'], [oid])
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/StorageTestBase.py", line 224, in _undo
    return self._storage.lastTransaction()
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 146, in lastTransaction
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkUndoCreationBranch2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 188, in checkUndoCreationBranch2
    self._undo(info[0]['id'], [oid])
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/StorageTestBase.py", line 224, in _undo
    return self._storage.lastTransaction()
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 146, in lastTransaction
    raise NotImplementedError

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkUndoLogMetadata
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 718, in checkUndoLogMetadata
    root['obj'] = o1
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/persistent/mapping.py", line 53, in __setitem__
    self._p_changed = 1
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line 834, in register
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line 844, in _register
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 258, in join
    self._prior_operation_failed() # doesn't return
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 252, in _prior_operation_failed
    raise TransactionFailedError("An operation previously failed, "
TransactionFailedError: An operation previously failed, with traceback:

  File "/srv/neo/repository//trunk/tools/runner", line 362, in ?
    runner.run('ZODB tests', ZODB_TEST_MODULES)
  File "/srv/neo/repository//trunk/tools/runner", line 138, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 424, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 428, in __call__
    return self.run(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 424, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 281, in __call__
    return self.run(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 260, in run
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 592, in checkPackAfterUndoManyTimes
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 381, in commit
    self._saveCommitishError() # This raises!
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 379, in commit
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 424, in _commitResources
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py", line 552, in commit
    self.manager.commit(o, txn)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py", line 794, in commit
    tid, oids = self._db._storage.undo(self._tid, t)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 790, in undo
    raise UndoError("no previous record", oid)
UndoError: Undo error 0x03: no previous record


neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkUndoUnresolvable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/ConflictResolution.py", line 182, in checkUndoUnresolvable
    tid, t)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py", line 320, in failUnlessRaises
    callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 27, in wrapped
    return func(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/Storage.py", line 101, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 803, in undo
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 627, in waitStoreResponses
    conflicts = _handleConflicts(tryToResolveConflict)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/client/app.py", line 608, in _handleConflicts
    serials=(tid, serial), data=data)
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x01, class ZODB.tests.ConflictResolution.PCounter2, serial this txn started with 0x03844645fc7d2d99 2010-02-22 11:49:59.177104, serial currently committed 0x03844645fc8fe9ee 2010-02-22 11:49:59.194257)

neo/tests/testHandler.py HandlerTests.test_dispatch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/testHandler.py", line 61, in test_dispatch
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/__init__.py", line 211, in checkErrorPacket
    self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1)
AssertionError: 0 != 1

neo/tests/functional/testMaster.py MasterTests.testStoppingSecondaryMaster
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/testMaster.py", line 50, in testStoppingSecondaryMaster
    self.neo.expectMasterState(uuid, None)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/__init__.py", line 419, in expectMasterState
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/__init__.py", line 415, in __expectNodeState
    self.expectCondition(callback, timeout, delay)
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/__init__.py", line 397, in expectCondition
    raise AssertionError, 'Timeout while expecting condition. ' \
AssertionError: Timeout while expecting condition. History: [<EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>, <EnumItem RUNNING (1)>]

neo/tests/functional/testStorage.py StorageTests.testReplicationWithNewStorage
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/testStorage.py", line 176, in testReplicationWithNewStorage
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/testStorage.py", line 64, in __setup
  File "/srv/neo/repository/trunk/neo/tests/functional/__init__.py", line 267, in start
    raise AssertionError, 'Timeout when starting cluster'
AssertionError: Timeout when starting cluster

neo/tests/zodb/testIterator.py IteratorTests.checkSimpleIteration
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 53, in checkSimpleIteration
    self.iter_verify(txniter, [revid1, revid2, revid3], 11)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 33, in iter_verify
    eq(reciter.tid, revid)
AssertionError: '\x03\x84F>\xddfn\xcc' != '\x03\x84F>\xddn\xf6U'

neo/tests/zodb/testIterator.py IteratorTests.checkTransactionExtensionFromIterator
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/IteratorStorage.py", line 127, in checkTransactionExtensionFromIterator
    self.assertEqual(count, 1)
AssertionError: 2 != 1

neo/tests/zodb/testMT.py MTTests.check2ZODBThreads
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 221, in check2ZODBThreads
    self._checkNThreads(2, ZODBClientThread, db, self)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 217, in _checkNThreads
    self.failIf(t.isAlive(), "thread failed to finish in 60 seconds")
AssertionError: thread failed to finish in 60 seconds

neo/tests/zodb/testMT.py MTTests.check7ZODBThreads
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 226, in check7ZODBThreads
    self._checkNThreads(7, ZODBClientThread, db, self)
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py", line 217, in _checkNThreads
    self.failIf(t.isAlive(), "thread failed to finish in 60 seconds")
AssertionError: thread failed to finish in 60 seconds

neo/tests/zodb/testRevision.py RevisionTests.checkLoadBeforeEdges
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py", line 75, in checkLoadBeforeEdges
    oid, p64(0))
AssertionError: KeyError not raised

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkIndicesInUndoInfo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 783, in checkIndicesInUndoInfo
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 755, in _exercise_info_indices
    self.assertEqual(default, allofem[:20])
AssertionError: [{'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xb3\x82\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4299717}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xadSD', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4243088}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xa5\xe7D', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4175138}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x9f\x91\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.411715}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x98ND', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4050651}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x92f\x11', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3996568}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x8c\x0c\x99', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3938437}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x85\xf0w', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3882499}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x7f.\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3820639}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_y\x02\x00', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.376411}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_rI\x88', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3702579}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_l\x00D', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3645029}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_eCU', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3583341}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_]?\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.350997}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_V*\xee', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3445139}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_N_\x99', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.337378}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_E\xa9\xee', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3294039}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_? \x11', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3234177}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_8\xcf\x11', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3176351}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_1\xdeU', 'user_name': '', 'description': 'initial database creation', 'time': 1266839362.3112807}] != [{'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xe3\x0c"', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4734931}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xdc\x83"', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4675097}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xd5\xe1\x88', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4614387}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xcfi\xee', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4555178}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xc7\xa6"', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4484091}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xc0\xe9"', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4422398}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xba*\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4360657}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xb3\x82\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4299717}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xadSD', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4243088}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\xa5\xe7D', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4175138}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x9f\x91\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.411715}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x98ND', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.4050651}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x92f\x11', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3996568}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x8c\x0c\x99', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3938437}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x85\xf0w', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3882499}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_\x7f.\xbb', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3820639}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_y\x02\x00', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.376411}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_rI\x88', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3702579}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_l\x00D', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3645029}, {'id': '\x03\x84FE_eCU', 'user_name': '', 'description': '', 'time': 1266839362.3583341}]

neo/tests/zodb/testUndo.py UndoTests.checkTransactionalUndoAfterPack
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/zope-2.8.8/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py", line 440, in checkTransactionalUndoAfterPack
    eq(len(info), 3)
AssertionError: 4 != 3

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