[Erp5-users] RPM Installation Troubles

Rafael Monnerat rafael at nexedi.com
Sun Jul 8 12:12:13 CEST 2012

When the RPM was created to provide a quick way to install ERP5, for 
trainning mostly, due this I did using localhost address.

You can use an apache, ngnix or any frontend to expose your zope, it 
should be quite simple.

Rafael Monnerat

On 07-07-2012 02:59, Lloyd Duhon wrote:
> I am attempting to install the RPM version to a Red Hat Enterprise 
> Linux Server. It does appear to be functional via the lynx browser, as 
> it responds with the zope manager at the 12001 port. Is there an easy 
> way to have the system listen on the public IP address, so that I can 
> view the Zope Manager from my local web browser?
> I am familiar with the FreeNX tools, and that may be a short term 
> option, but I would much rather have the capability to install the 
> server, and then configure it remotely, without adding additional 
> overhead to the server.
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> Lloyd Duhon
> http://lloydduhon.com/
> 239-223-9618
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