[Erp5-users] Installation on ubuntu

bartek bartek at gorny.edu.pl
Tue Jan 4 13:18:51 CET 2011

On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 13:10:42 +0100
jp at nexedi.com wrote:

> > On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:47:41 +0100
> > jp at nexedi.com wrote:
> >   
> > > If you use official buildout or TioLive Grid, you will have less
> > > problems. You will also benefit from 500+ pages of lessons and the
> > > support from a community of 1600+ members (in Brazil).  
> > 
> > Wow! ERP5 has such a large community? I didn't now that. Where are
> > they, then? On this ML, all the community we see is Boris and me.
> > Why our Brazilian friends never speak? I'm pretty sure most of them
> > if not all speak English...  
> Please check by yourself if you do not believe. 

What do you mean "check by yourself"? What and how could I possibly

I have no reason to not believe you, I'm just curious why they
don't take part in our discussions. Such a large community could
provide lots of support on erp5-users, and development effort through
erp5-dev, and share plenty of knowledge and experience. This is how a
community is supposed to work, after all. So it is strange, and sad,
they don't do it.


> Regards,
> JPS. 

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