[Erp5-users] Installation on ubuntu

jp at nexedi.com jp at nexedi.com
Tue Jan 4 12:59:42 CET 2011

Dear Collins,

I really do not get why you want to use non official buildout.

There is an official buildout for ERP5. It has DEB packages, RPM packages
for many distributions. You can even get a preconfigured ERP5 instance and
a complete documentation. All this is covered by unit tests which nowadays
even test that all library dependencies are provided so that there is no
risk to build ERP5 using an invalid version of system library.

Could you explain ?



<br/><blockquote type="cite">
reinstalled, moved ahead and encountered an ldap error, installed python-ldap and all but it still does not reflect as installed cause the script tries to install it. any help please? <div><br /></div><div><div>Installing eggs.</div>
<div>Download error: [Errno -2] Name or service not known -- Some packages may not be found!</div><div>Getting distribution for &#39;python-ldap&#39;.</div><div>extra_compile_args: </div><div>extra_objects: </div><div>include_dirs: /usr/local/openldap-2.3/include /usr/include/sasl</div>
<div>library_dirs: /usr/local/openldap-2.3/lib</div><div>libs: ldap_r lber sasl2 ssl crypto</div><div>file Lib/ldap.py (for module ldap) not found</div><div>file Lib/ldap/schema.py (for module ldap.schema) not found</div>
<div>warning: no files found matching &#39;Makefile&#39;</div><div>warning: no files found matching &#39;Modules/LICENSE&#39;</div><div>file Lib/ldap.py (for module ldap) not found</div><div>file Lib/ldap/schema.py (for module ldap.schema) not found</div>
<div>file Lib/ldap.py (for module ldap) not found</div><div>file Lib/ldap/schema.py (for module ldap.schema) not found</div><div>Modules/LDAPObject.c:18: fatal error: sasl.h: No such file or directory</div><div>compilation terminated.</div>
<div>error: Setup script exited with error: command &#39;gcc&#39; failed with exit status 1</div><div>An error occurred when trying to install python-ldap 2.3.12. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.</div>
<div>While:</div><div>  Installing eggs.</div><div>  Getting distribution for &#39;python-ldap&#39;.</div><div>Error: Couldn&#39;t install: python-ldap 2.3.12</div><div>root at Arebalice:/home/arebalice/erp5-buildout# dpkg -L python-ldap 2.3.12</div>
</div><div><br /></div>


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