[Erp5-users] Request for Help - Problems adding ERP5 site in Zope

Marc Evans marc at expect-excellence.co.uk
Tue Feb 16 14:38:08 CET 2010

"Chetan Kumar" wrote:
> Marc Evans wrote:
>> As a real ERP5 newcomer 6 hrs old and most of that time spent 
>> re-installing I am stuck at this point.
>> I have left pwds in the error log as this is just a test install to 
>> review the ERP5 product locally.
> Create two databases in MySQL
> 1. erp5
> 2. cmf_activity
> and provide the correct connection parameters like
> erp5 at host username password
> cmf_activity at host username password
> Chetan
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Thanks Chetan,

I have tried this but I am still getting the same error statement

Time  	         2010/02/16 13:26:56.251 GMT
User Name       (User Id) 	admin (admin)
Request URL 	http://localhost:8080/manage_addProduct/ERP5/manage_addERP5Site
Exception Type 	AttributeError
Exception Value ERP5Type

Traceback (innermost last):

    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish
    * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
    * Module Products.ERP5.ERP5Site, line 96, in manage_addERP5Site
    * Module Products.ERP5.ERP5Site, line 1464, in create
    * Module Products.ERP5.ERP5Site, line 1897, in setup
    * Module Products.ERP5.ERP5Site, line 1560, in setupTools
    * Module App.FactoryDispatcher, line 26, in __getitem__
    * Module App.FactoryDispatcher, line 29, in __bobo_traverse__
    * Module App.Product, line 69, in _product

AttributeError: ERP5Type 

description	                        ''
title	                                'ERP5'
cmf_activity_sql_connection_string	'cmf_activity at localhost erp5 erp5'
erp5_sql_connection_string	        'erp5 at localhost erp5 erp5'
create_userfolder	                '1'
submit	                                'Create a new ERP5 Site instance'
id	                                'erp5'
erp5_catalog_storage	                'erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog'

Any additional help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards


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