[Erp5-users] no distributions for elementtree that satisfies 'elementtree'

Givernaud Omar trax at clubnix.fr
Wed Dec 23 12:34:29 CET 2009


I am quite new to ubuntu and I am trying to install erp5.

I followed the wiki http://www.raskon.org/trac/erp5/wiki/Erp5Ubuntu

I get this error :

Updating Products.
Installing instance.
Installing 'ipdb', 'timerserver', 'erp5diff', 'mechanize', 'numpy', 
'PILwoTK', 'ClientForm', 'elementtree', 'lxml', 'pytz', 'PyXML', 
'MySQL-python==1.2.2', 'Products.DocFinderTab', 
'Products.DCWorkflowGraph', 'Products.ExternalEditor', 'ply', 
'python-memcached', 'python-ldap', 'itools==0.20.7'.
We have the best distribution that satisfies 'ipdb'.
Picked: ipdb = 0.1dev-r1716
We have a develop egg: timerserver 2.0
We have a develop egg: erp5diff 0.7.0
We have a develop egg: mechanize 0.0
We have the best distribution that satisfies 'numpy'.
Picked: numpy = 1.3.0
We have the best distribution that satisfies 'PILwoTK'.
Picked: PILwoTk =
We have a develop egg: ClientForm 0.0
We have no distributions for elementtree that satisfies 'elementtree'.
Getting distribution for 'elementtree'.
  Installing instance.
  Getting distribution for 'elementtree'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'elementtree'.

.elementtree seems to be installed

# dpkg -l |grep -i elementt
ii  python-celementtree                        
1.0.5-10                          Light-weight toolkit for XML processing
ii  python-elementtree                         
1.2.6-12                          Light-weight toolkit for XML processing

# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 9.04 \n \l


Omar Givernaud (trax)

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