[Erp5-users] ASK Health industries and Pont of Sales
Bartek Gorny
bartek at gorny.edu.pl
Mon Nov 16 16:23:47 CET 2009
2009/11/16 Muhamad Reza <muhamad.reza at infi-nity.com>:
> Hi ho!
> I've been looking business template for health industries and point of sales
> (POS) for small industries.
I remember seeing a POS implementation a few years ago, but it was
rather a proof-of-concept thing, and as far as I can tell it never
went further. Where did you find an information that there is POS in
ERP5? When I try to search erp5.com for a word "point", all I get is
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> As seen on http://www.erp5.com/industry/erp5-industry-health .there is
> capability of ERP5 in health industries.
> However, I cannot find those(health industries and Point of sales)
> functionalities in ERP5's repository.
> Actually, Did ERP5 have the full version for it ? or those are for
> commercial purpose ?
> or perhaps, we should do a modification/configuration from "OpenSource"
> business templates ?
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Reza
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