[Erp5-users] Playing with variations

Łukasz Nowak lukasz.nowak at ventis.com.pl
Tue Mar 4 14:21:07 CET 2008


I'm playing with variations as described on

My product has colour and size variations.
Colours: red, green and blue.
Sizes: small, medium, large.

Product is associated with colour and size categories, magic script:


All categories chosen on product.

I've created Sale Order, add Sale Order Line, set resource on it to
created resource.

Chosen variations: blue, green and large.

Price and Quantity tabs appeared on Sale Order Line.

But when I set quantity on matrixbox it do not appear.

X     | blue | green
large |   1  |   2

After saving form matrixbox is again empty:

X     | blue | green
large |      |    

Traceback attached.

What I done wrong?

Products and Business Templates from revision 18850.


Łukasz Nowak R&D Ventis http://www.ventis.com.pl/
tel: +48 32 768 16 85 fax: +48 32 392 10 61
``Use the Source, Luke...'' I am only craftsman.
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