[Erp5-users] Using erp5_item

Jacek Medrzycki jacek at erp5.pl
Thu Dec 13 16:44:59 CET 2007

How can I use erp5_item bt5?

My intuition is, that Item is something distinguishable from other 
things of the same sort, eg. computers with serial numbers. Lets say, I 
have 15 computers on stock, so I have one resource with quantity 15 and 
then 15 items, each with different serial numer? Is that true? Or 
perhaps I'm completely wrong?

If so, how can I move them (sell or buy). What if I want to sell 3 
computers with serial numers 111, 222, 333? As I see, I cannot set Item 
as a Resource for the Sale Order Line, can I?


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