[Erp5-users] Live CDrc10 and Business Templates

Eddie McLoughlin gulhayat at hotmail.com
Thu May 18 09:53:53 CEST 2006


I've recently started using ERP5 Live CDrc10 and I'm having trouble
installing the erp5-base business template. This is the error message
I get after clicking "Validate Install":

Site Error

An error was encountered while publishing this resource.

    Error Type:       KeyError
    Error Value:       'z_related_source_person'

I have followed the instructions on erp5.org and so i have not
installed any other templates before this one. The only ones that are
installed on the system are those that come standard with the "Erp5
Site" on Zope.
Hopefully this is simple to solve....thanks in advance


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