[Erp5-users] ERP5 Ubuntu
Jean-Paul Smets
jp at nexedi.com
Tue Apr 11 09:33:10 CEST 2006
Le Mardi 11 Avril 2006 01:08, Andre Brown a écrit :
> Has anyone setup ERP5 on Ubuntu or know where I can find documentation
> on how to do so?
ERP5 has been installed on Debian (as well as Windows, MacOS X, SuSE) in
addition to Mandriva, either for devt or test.
Here is a good start in my opinion (besides the use of Formulator 1.9 which
must not be used. Please use Formulator 1.6)
It is in Portuguese but you should still understand it (it is Linux
There was also a good explanation on the ERP5 mailing list (I forgot the
link) which is specific to debian.
The main thing to remember is: use Zope 2.7.8 (Zope 2.8 and 2.9 are for
testing only). And you must recompile Zope with patches which you can find
in the source RPMs.
If you have little time, it is easier to use the LiveCD (this is what we use
in production servers since this LiveCD stores everything in persistent dis
Please also read this:
If you eventually produce .deb packages, please feel free to share them.
> --
> Andre Brown
> To you, O Jehovah, I raise my very soul. (Psalm 25:1)
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Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes, Nexedi CEO - Tel. +33(0)6 62 05 76 14
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Libre / Open Source Software
ERP5: Libre/ Open Source ERP Software for small and medium companies
Rentalinux: Desktop Linux Server
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