[Erp5-users] Updating Zope Products from CVS

Chris Purves chris.purves at dowslakemicro.com
Thu Jun 16 05:09:19 CEST 2005

What is the best way to update Zope products from the CVS?

Is this a good way:

1.  Get copy of CVS using "cvs export ..." to get products without cvs files and directories
2.  Copy contents of product directory into Zope product directory.  For example "cp /cvs_dir/Base18/ /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/Base18/ -R -u
3.  Repeat 1. and 2. for all products
4.  Restart Zope

Is there anything that I missed?

Chris Purves
Director of Operations
Dowslake Microsystems Corporation

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