[Erp5-users] Sample Data for Live CD ERP5 Site

Gopal Santhanam gopal at nerur.com
Thu Feb 3 20:35:28 CET 2005


After trying to struggle with the RPMs, I was glad to see the release of 
the Live CD.  I got it up and running with relatively little effort and 
I am able to see the sample ERP5 modules.  The software looks very 

However, it would be great for evaluation purposes to have the ERP5 
sample site populated with sample data.  I can try to populate it myself 
but it wouldn't be quite the same as having oodles of transactions for 

Is it possible for the maintainers to post some sample data along with 
quick instructions on how to load it into my environment?  I'm hoping to 
finish my evaluation soon so the earlier I could get my hands on sample 
data the better.

Thanks in advance!

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