[Erp5-users] Installing from sources

Fabrizio Reale realefab at zschool.org
Mon Jul 5 15:45:07 CEST 2004

> It is possible to install from source, but it takes quite a long time (it 
> takes 2 days instead of half a day). The simple way is to find one box, 
> install Mandrake 10 and then install ERP5 with rpms.
> If you want to install from sources, you may need tarball inside source 

I tried to see what products are needed to install ERP5 by looking at
the RPM list, but it was not so clear.
Can you write a dependence list?

Fabrizio Reale                               fabrizio.reale at redomino.com
Redomino S.r.l.                    C.so Monte Grappa 90/b - 10145 Torino
Tel: +39 011 19502871 - Fax: +39 011 19502871    http://www.redomino.com

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