[Erp5-report] ERP5-TestRunner1 : 4921 Tests, 0 Errors, 1 Failures, 198 Skips

nobody at svn.erp5.org nobody at svn.erp5.org
Fri Mar 6 15:38:12 CET 2015

Test Suite: ERP5-TestRunner1
Revision: slapos=7602-602f3dd5425f06fc56b5bdd830b2195d60a68dc3,erp5=44320-b7da4ec701344b921cd2d6a346fdddf2cce6ff05
Result: FAIL

All tests: 4921
Failures: 1
Errors: 0
Skips: 198

The following tests failed:

  testERP5DocumentSyncML                             (1 failures, 4 skips)
   test_12_OneWaySyncFromServer (testERP5DocumentSyncML.TestERP5DocumentSyncML)

The following tests were at least partly skipped:

  erp5_configurator_maxma_demo:testMaxmaDemoConfigurationWorkflow (1 skips)

  erp5_web_shacache:testShaCache                     (1 skips)

  erp5_web_shadir:testShaDir                         (1 skips)

  networkcache_erp5:testShaCacheExternal             (1 skips)

  testAccountingReports                              (1 skips)
   test_Resource_zGetMovementHistoryList (testAccountingReports.TestAccountingReports) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'

  testAccountingRulesSimulationLegacy                (22 skips)

  testAdvancedInvoicing                              (1 skips)

  testBPMCore                                        (1 skips)
   test_payBeforeDelivery (testBPMCore.TestBPMImplementation) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'

  testBase                                           (3 skips)
   check if a document is not indexed where we set isIndexable=0 in the same transaction of newContent(). ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test       must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
   check if a document is not indexed where we call edit() and set isIndexable=0 after it is already indexed. ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test       must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
   check if a document is not indexed where we set isIndexable=0 and call edit() after it is already indexed. ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test       must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'

  testBusinessTemplate                               (6 skips)
   test_BusinessTemplateUpgradeDocumentFromFilesystemToZodb (testBusinessTemplate.TestConstraintTemplateItem) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
   test_BusinessTemplateWithZodbDocument (testBusinessTemplate.TestConstraintTemplateItem) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
   test_BusinessTemplateWithZodbDocumentMigrated (testBusinessTemplate.TestConstraintTemplateItem) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
   test_BusinessTemplateWithZodbDocumentNonExistingBefore (testBusinessTemplate.TestConstraintTemplateItem) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'

  testCRM                                            (1 skips)

  testCalendar                                       (5 skips)
   test_2OverlappedLeaveRequestOverlappingAfterGroupCalendar (testCalendar.TestCalendar) ... skipped 'Need to check if we want later to support this again. Drop support for now'
   test_LeaveRequestOverlappingAfterGroupCalendar (testCalendar.TestCalendar) ... skipped 'Need to check if we want later to support this again. Drop support for now'
   test_LeaveRequestOverlappingBeforeGroupCalendar (testCalendar.TestCalendar) ... skipped 'Need to check if we want later to support this again. Drop support for now'
   test_LeaveRequestWithSameDateAsGroupCalendar (testCalendar.TestCalendar) ... skipped 'Need to check if we want later to support this again. Drop support for now'
   test_LeaveRequestWithSameDateAsRepeatedGroupCalendar (testCalendar.TestCalendar) ... skipped 'Need to check if we want later to support this again. Drop support for now'

  testDeliveryBuilderToSupportMultipleLines          (2 skips)

  testDms                                            (1 skips)

  testDmsWithFlare                                   (1 skips)

  testDmsWithPreConversion                           (1 skips)

  testERP5Base                                       (1 skips)

  testERP5Catalog                                    (4 skips)
   Tests that buildSQLQuery works with another query_table than 'catalog' ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
   test_49_IndexInOrderedSearchFolder (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
   test_SubDocumentsWithAcquireLocalRoleSecurityIndexing (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'

  testERP5Commerce                                   (1 skips)
   test_22_createShoppingCartWithAnonymousAndLogin (testERP5Commerce.TestCommerce) ... skipped 'WebSite_createWebSiteAccount is disabled by default.'

  testERP5DocumentSyncML                             (4 skips)

  testERP5Interfaces                                 (7 skips)

  testERP5SyncML                                     (2 skips)

  testERP5Type                                       (1 skips)

  testERP5TypeInterfaces                             (1 skips)

  testERP5Web                                        (3 skips)
   test_03_CreateWebSiteUser (testERP5Web.TestERP5Web) ... skipped 'WebSite_createWebSiteAccount is disabled by default.'

  testFormPrintoutAsODT                              (1 skips)
   test_09_FieldReplacementWithValidation (testFormPrintoutAsODT.TestFormPrintoutAsODT) ... skipped 'Disable validation because OOo does not produce compliant xml, and RelaxNG status is still draft'

  testFunctionalAnonymousSelection                   (36 skips)
        So this part is skipped -->
        So this part is skipped -->
        So this part is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->

  testFunctionalCore                                 (8 skips)
        So this test is skipped -->
        So this test is skipped -->

  testFunctionalKM                                   (3 skips)

  testI18NSearch                                     (1 skips)

  testIngestion                                      (4 skips)

  testIngestionWithFlare                             (4 skips)

  testInventory                                      (2 skips)

  testInventoryAPI                                   (2 skips)

  testInvoice                                        (6 skips)

  testItem                                           (13 skips)

  testKM                                             (3 skips)

  testOpenOrder                                      (3 skips)

  testOxatisSynchronization                          (1 skips)

  testPreferences                                    (1 skips)

  testProductionOrder                                (8 skips)

  testProductionOrderApparel                         (6 skips)

  testProductionPackingList                          (1 skips)

  testProductionPackingListApparel                   (1 skips)

  testProxyField                                     (1 skips)

  testResource                                       (1 skips)

  testReturnedSalePackingList                        (3 skips)

  testSQLCachedWorklist                              (2 skips)
   test_02_related_key (testSQLCachedWorklist.TestSQLCachedWorklist) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
   test_04_dynamic_variables (testSQLCachedWorklist.TestSQLCachedWorklist) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'

  testSelectionTool                                  (7 skips)
   testCallSelectionFor (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testPage (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testView (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testCallSelectionFor (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testDeleteGlobalSelection (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'To be decided if implementation is required'
   testPage (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testView (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'

  testTaskReportDivergence                           (1 skips)

  testTemplate                                       (1 skips)

  testTradeModelLine                                 (1 skips)

  testTradeModelLinePurchase                         (1 skips)

  testUbercartSynchronisation                        (1 skips)

  testVirtuemartSynchronization                      (1 skips)

  testWebDavSupport                                  (1 skips)
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FAIL: test_12_OneWaySyncFromServer (testERP5DocumentSyncML.TestERP5DocumentSyncML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart9/srv/testnode/bu/soft/3f1f753a354463b0284cd32af84fd58e/parts/erp5/Products/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5DocumentSyncML.py", line 858, in test_12_OneWaySyncFromServer
  File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart9/srv/testnode/bu/soft/3f1f753a354463b0284cd32af84fd58e/parts/erp5/Products/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5SyncML.py", line 450, in assertXMLViewIsEqual
    etree.tostring(result, pretty_print=True)))
AssertionError: diff between pub:/erp5_portal_dc1fdcd331f5ca5419ccd80979cb90e2/document_server/2 and sub:/erp5_portal_dc1fdcd331f5ca5419ccd80979cb90e2/document_client_from_server/2 
<xupdate:modifications xmlns:xupdate="http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate" version="1.0">
  <xupdate:remove select="/erp5/object[@gid='502D53594E434D4C2E546578742D3030312D656E']/base_data/block_data[4]"/>
  <xupdate:insert-after select="/erp5/object[@gid='502D53594E434D4C2E546578742D3030312D656E']/base_data/block_data[15]">
    <xupdate:element name="block_data">hYuLi5OTk5qamqOjo6urq7Ozs7q6usLCwszMzNPT09vb2+Pj4+zs7PPz8/7+/gAAAP//////////////</xupdate:element>

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