[Erp5-report] r6632 - /erp5/trunk/products/ERP5Banking/tests/TestERP5BankingMixin.py

nobody at svn.erp5.org nobody at svn.erp5.org
Thu Apr 13 17:18:14 CEST 2006

Author: aurel
Date: Thu Apr 13 17:18:13 2006
New Revision: 6632

URL: http://svn.erp5.org?rev=6632&view=rev
add mixin class for test of erp5 banking


Added: erp5/trunk/products/ERP5Banking/tests/TestERP5BankingMixin.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/products/ERP5Banking/tests/TestERP5BankingMixin.py?rev=6632&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/products/ERP5Banking/tests/TestERP5BankingMixin.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/products/ERP5Banking/tests/TestERP5BankingMixin.py Thu Apr 13 17:18:13 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,580 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#                    Aurelien Calonne <aurel at nexedi.com>
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+from DateTime import DateTime
+class TestERP5BankingMixin:
+  """
+  Mixin class for unit test of banking operations
+  """
+  def enableLightInstall(self):
+    """
+      Return if we should do a light install (1) or not (0)
+      Light install variable is used at installation of categories in business template
+      to know if we wrap the category or not, if 1 we don't use and installation is faster
+    """
+    return 1 # here we want a light install for a faster installation
+  def enableActivityTool(self):
+    """
+      Return if we should create (1) or not (0) an activity tool
+      This variable is used at the creation of the site to know if we use
+      the activity tool or not
+    """
+    return 1 # here we want to use the activity tool
+  def checkUserFolderType(self):
+    """
+      Check the type of user folder to let the test working with both NuxUserGroup and PAS.
+    """
+    self.user_folder = self.getUserFolder()
+    self.PAS_installed = 0
+    if self.user_folder.meta_type == 'Pluggable Auth Service':
+      # we use PAS
+      self.PAS_installed = 1
+  def updateRoleMappings(self, portal_type_list=''):
+    """Update the local roles in existing objects.
+    """
+    portal_catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog
+    for portal_type in portal_type_list:
+      for brain in portal_catalog(portal_type = portal_type):
+        obj = brain.getObject()
+        userdb_path, user_id = obj.getOwnerTuple()
+        obj.assignRoleToSecurityGroup(user_name = user_id)
+  def assignPASRolesToUser(self, user_name, role_list):
+    """
+      Assign a list of roles to one user with PAS.
+    """
+    for role in role_list:
+      if role not in self.user_folder.zodb_roles.listRoleIds():
+        self.user_folder.zodb_roles.addRole(role)
+      self.user_folder.zodb_roles.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, user_name)
+  def createManagerAndLogin(self):
+    """
+      Create a simple user in user_folder with manager rights.
+      This user will be used to initialize data in the method afterSetup
+    """
+    self.getUserFolder()._doAddUser('manager', '', ['Manager'], [])
+    self.login('manager')
+  def createERP5Users(self, user_dict):
+    """
+      Create all ERP5 users needed for the test.
+      ERP5 user = Person object + Assignment object in erp5 person_module.
+    """
+    for user_login, user_data in user_dict.items():
+      user_roles = user_data[0]
+      # Create the Person.
+      person = self.person_module.newContent(id=user_login,
+          portal_type='Person', reference=user_login, career_role="internal")
+      # Create the Assignment.
+      assignment = person.newContent( portal_type       = 'Assignment'
+                                    , destination_value = user_data[1]
+                                    , function          = user_data[2]
+                                    , group             = user_data[3]
+                                    , site              = user_data[4]
+                                    , start_date        = '01/01/1900'
+                                    , stop_date         = '01/01/2900'
+                                    )
+      if self.PAS_installed and len(user_roles) > 0:
+        # In the case of PAS, if we want global roles on user, we have to do it manually.
+        self.assignPASRolesToUser(user_login, user_roles)
+      elif not self.PAS_installed:
+        # The user_folder counterpart of the erp5 user must be
+        #   created manually in the case of NuxUserGroup.
+        self.user_folder.userFolderAddUser( name     = user_login
+                                          , password = ''
+                                          , roles    = user_roles
+                                          , domains  = []
+                                          )
+      # User assignment to security groups is also required, but is taken care of
+      #   by the assignment workflow when NuxUserGroup is used and
+      #   by ERP5Security PAS plugins in the context of PAS use.
+      assignment.open()
+    if self.PAS_installed:
+      # reindexing is required for the security to work
+      get_transaction().commit()
+      self.tic()
+  def getUserFolder(self):
+    """
+    Return the user folder
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'acl_users', None)
+  def getPersonModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the person module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'person_module', None)
+  def getOrganisationModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the organisation module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'organisation_module', None)
+  def getCurrencyCashModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Currency Cash Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'currency_cash_module', None)
+  def getCashInventoryModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Cash Inventory Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'cash_inventory_module', None)
+  def getBankAccountInventoryModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Bank Account Inventory Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'bank_account_inventory_module', None)
+  def getCurrencyModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Currency Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'currency_module', None)
+  def getCategoryTool(self):
+    """
+    Return the Category Tool
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_categories', None)
+  def getWorkflowTool(self):
+    """
+    Return the Worklfow Tool
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_workflow', None)
+  def getSimulationTool(self):
+    """
+    Return the Simulation Tool
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_simulation', None)
+  def getCheckPaymentModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Check Payment Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'check_payment_module', None)
+  def getCheckDepositModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Check Deposit Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'check_deposit_module', None)
+  def getCheckbookModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Checkbook Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'checkbook_module', None)
+  def getCounterDateModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Counter Date Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'counter_date_module', None)
+  def getCounterModule(self):
+    """
+    Return the Counter Date Module
+    """
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'counter_module', None)
+  def stepTic(self, **kwd):
+    """
+    The is used to simulate the zope_tic_loop script
+    Each time this method is called, it simulates a call to tic
+    which invoke activities in the Activity Tool
+    """
+    # execute transaction
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    self.tic()
+  def createCurrency(self, id='EUR', title='Euro'):
+    # create the currency document for euro inside the currency module
+    return self.currency_module.newContent(id=id, title=title)
+  def createBanknotesAndCoins(self):
+    """
+    Create some banknotes and coins
+    """
+    # Define static values (only use prime numbers to prevent confusions like 2 * 6 == 3 * 4)
+    # variation list is the list of years for banknotes and coins
+    self.variation_list = ('variation/1992', 'variation/2003')
+    # quantity of banknotes of 10000 :
+    self.quantity_10000 = {}
+    # 2 banknotes of 10000 for the year 1992
+    self.quantity_10000[self.variation_list[0]] = 2
+    # 3 banknotes of 10000 for the year of 2003
+    self.quantity_10000[self.variation_list[1]] = 3
+    # quantity of coin of 200
+    self.quantity_200 = {}
+    # 5 coins of 200 for the year 1992
+    self.quantity_200[self.variation_list[0]] = 5
+    # 7 coins of 200 for the year 2003
+    self.quantity_200[self.variation_list[1]] = 7
+    # quantity of banknotes of 5000
+    self.quantity_5000 = {}
+    # 11 banknotes of 5000 for hte year 1992
+    self.quantity_5000[self.variation_list[0]] = 11
+    # 13 banknotes of 5000 for the year 2003
+    self.quantity_5000[self.variation_list[1]] = 13
+    # Now create required category for banknotes and coin
+    self.cash_status_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'cash_status')
+    # add the category valid in cash_status which define status of banknotes and coin
+    self.cash_status_valid = self.cash_status_base_category.newContent(id='valid', portal_type='Category')
+    self.cash_status_to_sort = self.cash_status_base_category.newContent(id='to_sort', portal_type='Category')
+    self.emission_letter_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'emission_letter')
+    # add the category k in emission letter that will be used fo banknotes and coins
+    self.emission_letter_k = self.emission_letter_base_category.newContent(id='k', portal_type='Category')
+    self.emission_letter_b = self.emission_letter_base_category.newContent(id='b', portal_type='Category')
+    self.emission_letter_d = self.emission_letter_base_category.newContent(id='d', portal_type='Category')
+    self.variation_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'variation')
+    # add the category 1992 in variation
+    self.variation_1992 = self.variation_base_category.newContent(id='1992', portal_type='Category')
+    # add the category 2003 in varitation
+    self.variation_2003 = self.variation_base_category.newContent(id='2003', portal_type='Category')
+    # Create Resources Document (Banknotes & Coins)
+    # get the currency cash module
+    self.currency_cash_module = self.getCurrencyCashModule()
+    # Create Resources Document (Banknotes & Coins)
+    self.currency_1 = self.createCurrency()
+    # create document for banknote of 10000 euros from years 1992 and 2003
+    self.billet_10000 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='billet_10000', portal_type='Banknote', base_price=10000, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
+    # create document for banknote of 500 euros from years 1992 and 2003
+    self.billet_5000 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='billet_5000', portal_type='Banknote', base_price=5000, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
+    # create document for coin of 200 euros from years 1992 and 2003
+    self.piece_200 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='piece_200', portal_type='Coin', base_price=200, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
+    # create document for banknote of 200 euros from years 1992 and 2003
+    self.billet_200 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='billet_200', portal_type='Banknote', base_price=200, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
+  def createFunctionGroupSiteCategory(self):
+    """
+    Create site group function category that can be used for security
+    """
+    # add category unit in quantity_unit which is the unit that will be used for banknotes and coins
+    self.variation_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'quantity_unit')
+    self.unit = self.variation_base_category.newContent(id='unit', title='Unit')
+    # get the base category function
+    self.function_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'function')
+    # add category banking in function which will hold all functions neccessary in a bank (at least for this unit test)
+    self.banking = self.function_base_category.newContent(id='banking', portal_type='Category', codification='BNK')
+    self.caissier_principal = self.banking.newContent(id='caissier_principal', portal_type='Category', codification='CCP')
+    self.controleur_caisse = self.banking.newContent(id='controleur_caisse', portal_type='Category', codification='CCT')
+    self.void_function = self.banking.newContent(id='void_function', portal_type='Category', codification='VOID')
+    self.gestionnaire_caisse_courante = self.banking.newContent(id='gestionnaire_caisse_courante', portal_type='Category', codification='CCO')
+    self.gestionnaire_caveau = self.banking.newContent(id='gestionnaire_caveau', portal_type='Category', codification='CCV')
+    self.caissier_particulier = self.banking.newContent(id='caissier_particulier', portal_type='Category', codification='CGU')
+    self.comptable = self.banking.newContent(id='comptable', portal_type='Category', codification='FXF')
+    self.chef_section = self.banking.newContent(id='chef_section_comptable', portal_type='Category', codification='FXS')
+    self.chef_comptable = self.banking.newContent(id='chef_comptable', portal_type='Category', codification='CCB')
+    # get the base category group
+    self.group_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'group')
+    # add the group baobab in the group category
+    self.baobab = self.group_base_category.newContent(id='baobab', portal_type='Category', codification='BAOBAB')
+    # get the base category site
+    self.site_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'site')
+    # add the category testsite in the category site which hold vaults situated in the bank
+    self.testsite = self.site_base_category.newContent(id='testsite', portal_type='Category', codification='TEST', vault_type='site')
+    # add vault caisse_1 in testsite
+    self.caisse_1 = self.testsite.newContent(id='caisse_1', portal_type='Category', codification='C1',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    # add vault caisse_2 in testsite
+    self.caisse_2 = self.testsite.newContent(id='caisse_2', portal_type='Category', codification='C2',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    self.siegesite = self.site_base_category.newContent(id='siege', portal_type='Category', codification='SIEGE',  vault_type='site')
+    self.agencesite = self.site_base_category.newContent(id='agence', portal_type='Category', codification='AGENCE',  vault_type='site')
+    self.principalesite = self.agencesite.newContent(id='principale', portal_type='Category', codification='PRINCIPALE',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    self.auxisite = self.agencesite.newContent(id='auxiliaire', portal_type='Category', codification='AUXILIAIRE',  vault_type='site/vault')        
+    self.encaisse_billets_et_monnaies = self.testsite.newContent(id='encaisse_des_billets_et_monnaies', portal_type='Category', codification='C1',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    self.encaisse_externe = self.testsite.newContent(id='encaisse_des_externes', portal_type='Category', codification='C1',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    self.encaisse_ventilation = self.testsite.newContent(id='encaisse_des_billets_recus_pour_ventilation', portal_type='Category', codification='C1',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    self.caisse_lille = self.encaisse_ventilation.newContent(id='lille', portal_type='Category', codification='C1',  vault_type='site/vault')
+    self.paris = self.principalesite.newContent(id='paris', portal_type='Category', codification='K00',  vault_type='site/vault')
+  def openCounterDate(self, date=None):
+    """
+    open a couter date fort the given date
+    by default use the current date
+    """
+    if date is None:
+      date = DateTime().Date()
+    # create a counter date
+    self.counter_date_module = self.getCounterDateModule()
+    self.counter_date = self.counter_date_module.newContent(id='counter_date_1', portal_type="Counter Date",
+                                                            site_value = self.testsite,
+                                                            start_date = date)    
+    # open the counter date
+    self.counter_date.open()
+  def openCounter(self, site=None):
+    """
+    open a counter for the givent site
+    """
+    # create a counter
+    self.counter_module = self.getCounterModule()
+    self.counter = self.counter_module.newContent(id='counter_1', site_value=site)
+    # open it
+    self.counter.open()
+  def initDefaultVariable(self):
+    """
+    init some default variable use in all test
+    """
+    # the erp5 site
+    self.portal = self.getPortal()
+    # the person module
+    self.person_module = self.getPersonModule()
+    # the organisation module
+    self.organisation_module = self.getOrganisationModule()
+    # the category tool
+    self.category_tool = self.getCategoryTool()
+    # the workflow tool
+    self.workflow_tool = self.getWorkflowTool()
+    # nb use for bank account inventory
+    self.account_inventory_number = 0
+    # the cash inventory module
+    self.cash_inventory_module = self.getCashInventoryModule()
+    # the bank inventory module
+    self.bank_account_inventory_module = self.getBankAccountInventoryModule()
+    # simulation tool
+    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
+    # get the currency module
+    self.currency_module = self.getCurrencyModule()
+  def createPerson(self, id, first_name, last_name):
+    """
+    Create a person
+    """
+    return self.person_module.newContent(id = id,
+                                         portal_type = 'Person',
+                                         first_name = first_name,
+                                         last_name = last_name)
+  def createBankAccount(self, person, account_id, currency, amount):
+    """
+    Create and initialize a bank account for a person
+    """
+    bank_account = person.newContent(id = account_id,
+                                          portal_type = 'Bank Account',
+                                          price_currency_value = currency)
+    # validate this bank account for payment
+    bank_account.validate()
+    # we need to put some money on this bank account
+    if not hasattr(self, 'bank_account_inventory'):
+      self.bank_account_inventory = self.bank_account_inventory_module.newContent(id='account_inventory',
+                                                                                portal_type='Bank Account Inventory',
+                                                                                source=None,
+                                                                                destination_value=self.testsite,
+                                                                                stop_date=DateTime().Date())
+    account_inventory_line_id = 'account_inventory_lien_%s' %(self.account_inventory_number,)
+    self.bank_account_inventory.newContent(id=account_inventory_line_id,
+                                           portal_type='Bank Account Inventory Line',
+                                           resource_value=currency,
+                                           destination_payment_value=bank_account,
+                                           inventory=amount)
+    self.account_inventory_number += 1
+    return bank_account
+  def createCheckbook(self, id, vault, bank_account, min, max, date=None):
+    """
+    Create a checkbook for the given bank account
+    """
+    if date is None:
+      date = DateTime().Date()
+    return self.checkbook_module.newContent(id = id,
+                                            portal_type = 'Checkbook',
+                                            destination_value = vault,
+                                            destination_payment_value = bank_account,
+                                            reference_range_min = min,
+                                            reference_range_max = max,
+                                            start_date = date)
+  def createCheck(self, id, reference, checkbook):
+    """
+    Create Check in a checkbook
+    """
+    check = checkbook.newContent(id=id,
+                                 portal_type = 'Check',
+                                 reference=reference                                
+                                )
+    # mark the check as issued
+    check.confirm()
+    return check
+  def createCashInventory(self, source, destination, currency, line_list=[]):
+    """
+    Create a cash inventory group
+    """
+    # we need to have a unique inventory group id by destination
+    inventory_group_id = 'inventory_group_%s' %(destination.getId())
+    if not hasattr(self, inventory_group_id):
+      inventory_group =  self.cash_inventory_module.newContent(id=inventory_group_id,
+                                                               portal_type='Cash Inventory Group',
+                                                               source=None,
+                                                               destination_value=destination)
+      setattr(self, inventory_group_id, inventory_group)
+    else:
+      inventory_group = getattr(self, inventory_group_id)
+    # get/create the inventory based on currency
+    inventory_id = 'inventory_%s' %(currency.getId())
+    if not hasattr(self, inventory_id):
+      inventory = inventory_group.newContent(id=inventory_id,
+                                             portal_type='Cash Inventory',
+                                             price_currency_value=currency)
+      setattr(self, inventory_id, inventory)
+    else:
+      inventory = getattr(self, inventory_id)
+    # line data are given by a list of dict, dicts must have this key :
+    # id :  line id
+    # resource : banknote or coin
+    # variation_id : list of variation id
+    # variation_value : list of variation value (must be in the same order as variation_id
+    # quantity
+    for line in line_list:
+      self.addCashLineToDelivery(inventory,
+                                 line['id'],
+                                 "Cash Inventory Line",
+                                 line['resource'],
+                                 line['variation_id'],
+                                 line['variation_value'],
+                                 line['quantity'],)      
+    return inventory_group
+  def addCashLineToDelivery(self, delivery_object, line_id, line_portal_type, resource_object,
+          variation_base_category_list, variation_category_list, resource_quantity_dict):
+    """
+    Add a cash line to a delivery
+     """
+    base_id = 'movement'
+    line_kwd = {'base_id':base_id}
+    # create the cash line
+    line = delivery_object.newContent( id                  = line_id
+                                     , portal_type         = line_portal_type
+                                     , resource_value      = resource_object # banknote or coin
+                                     , quantity_unit_value = self.unit
+                                     )
+    # set base category list on line
+    line.setVariationBaseCategoryList(variation_base_category_list)
+    # set category list line
+    line.setVariationCategoryList(variation_category_list)
+    line.updateCellRange(script_id='CashDetail_asCellRange', base_id=base_id)
+    cell_range_key_list = line.getCellRangeKeyList(base_id=base_id)
+    if cell_range_key_list <> [[None, None]] :
+      for k in cell_range_key_list:
+        category_list = filter(lambda k_item: k_item is not None, k)
+        c = line.newCell(*k, **line_kwd)
+        mapped_value_list = ['price', 'quantity']
+        c.edit( membership_criterion_category_list = category_list
+              , mapped_value_property_list         = mapped_value_list
+              , category_list                      = category_list
+              , force_update                       = 1
+              )
+    # set quantity on cell to define quantity of bank notes / coins
+    for variation in self.variation_list:
+      v1, v2 = variation_category_list[:2]
+      cell = line.getCell(v1, variation, v2)
+      if cell is not None:
+        cell.setQuantity(resource_quantity_dict[variation])
+  def checkResourceCreated(self):
+    """
+    Check that all have been create after setup
+    """
+    # check that Categories were created
+    self.assertEqual(self.encaisse_billets_et_monnaies.getPortalType(), 'Category')
+    # check that Resources were created
+    # check portal type of billet_10000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_10000.getPortalType(), 'Banknote')
+    # check value of billet_10000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_10000.getBasePrice(), 10000)
+    # check currency value  of billet_10000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_10000.getPriceCurrency(), 'currency_module/EUR')
+    # check years  of billet_10000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_10000.getVariationList(), ['1992', '2003'])
+    # check portal type of billet_5000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_5000.getPortalType(), 'Banknote')
+    # check value of billet_5000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_5000.getBasePrice(), 5000)
+    # check currency value  of billet_5000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_5000.getPriceCurrency(), 'currency_module/EUR')
+    # check years  of billet_5000
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_5000.getVariationList(), ['1992', '2003'])
+    # check portal type of billet_200
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_200.getPortalType(), 'Banknote')
+    # check value of billet_200
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_200.getBasePrice(), 200)
+    # check currency value  of billet_200
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_200.getPriceCurrency(), 'currency_module/EUR')
+    # check years  of billet_200
+    self.assertEqual(self.billet_200.getVariationList(), ['1992', '2003'])

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