[Erp5-report] CMFCategory, ERP5Type

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Fri Feb 24 10:09:00 CET 2006

User:   jerome
Date:   2006-02-24 10:01:52
Module: CMFCategory

    When base category is not specified in getCategoryMemberValueList and
    the context is a (Base) Category, guess the base category from the

    M CategoryTool.py

User:   jerome
Date:   2006-02-24 10:02:57
Module: ERP5Type

    bug fix: pass the `created_by_builder` to the init script it self

    M ERP5Type.py

Generated by cvsdigest 1.2 http://www.nongnu.org/cvsdigest/

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