[Erp5-report] ERP5Type

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Tue Dec 6 16:09:00 CET 2005

User:   jp
Date:   2005-12-06 15:58:01
Module: ERP5Type

    added translated property as an example - renamed properties to meet naming conventions.

    M PropertySheet/DublinCore.py

User:   jp
Date:   2005-12-06 16:03:01
Module: ERP5Type

    Implemented support for properties and local properties

    M patches/PropertyManager.py

User:   jp
Date:   2005-12-06 16:05:20
Module: ERP5Type

    no difference

    M CopySupport.py

User:   jp
Date:   2005-12-06 16:06:17
Module: ERP5Type

    Added more dummy copies of accessors

    M Utils.py

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