[Erp5-report] ERP5, ERP5Catalog, ERP5Form

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Fri Oct 14 12:49:00 CEST 2005

User:   yo
Date:   2005-10-14 12:33:21
Module: ERP5Catalog

    Expressions must be specified explicitly in dtml-sqlvar.

    M sql/erp5_mysql/z_catalog_delivery_list.zsql

User:   yo
Date:   2005-10-14 12:44:59
Module: ERP5

    Add security declarations.

    M Document/Predicate.py

User:   kevin
Date:   2005-10-14 12:47:26
Module: ERP5Form

    TALES expression of an editable field in listbox is not evaluated in the context of the object represented by the line of the listbox. Instead the context correspond to his parent. This modification correct that bug.

    M Form.py

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