[Erp5-report] ERP5, ERP5Type

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Fri Sep 23 15:29:00 CEST 2005

User:   alex
Date:   2005-09-23 15:12:50
Module: ERP5Type

    Secutiry update :
    If we decide in the security script that we don't want to update the
    assigned roles for this object, we can just have it return None instead of
    a dict or list of dicts.
    This may happen for example when a site manager creates a new object.

    M ERP5Type.py

User:   alex
Date:   2005-09-23 15:23:43
Module: ERP5

    Security update :
    If we decide in the security script that we don't want to update the
    assigned roles for this object, we can just have it return None instead of
    a dict or list of dicts.
    This may happen for example when a site manager creates a new object.

    M bootstrap/erp5_core.bt5

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