[Erp5-report] ERP5, ERP5Type

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Wed Sep 21 15:09:00 CEST 2005

User:   guillaume
Date:   2005-09-21 15:04:07
Module: ERP5

    Now test the following behavior when edit() does not change values :
    - If edit_workflow is associated, reindexation only in activities
    - Else, no reindexation at all
    For Setters : reindexation in all cases, in activities

    M tests/testBase.py

User:   guillaume
Date:   2005-09-21 15:07:26
Module: ERP5Type

    Added a XXX comment about accessor behavior

    M Accessor/Base.py

User:   guillaume
Date:   2005-09-21 15:08:24
Module: ERP5Type

    Added setTitle() method to overwrite Zope one

    M Base.py

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