[Erp5-report] ERP5Form

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Mon Jul 4 14:09:00 CEST 2005

User:   alex
Date:   2005-07-04 13:50:31
Module: ERP5Form

    Added two more parameter lists :
    - Force Alignment
    Usage : 'id | right' to have the id aligned to the right,
    'title | center' to have the title centered ... right is the default
    for int and float, left is the default for other types
    - Float Rounding (used only if type is float)
    Usage : 'getTotalQuantity | 4' displays '1234.5000' for 1234.5,
    'price | 0' displays '42' for 41.5

    M ListBox.py

Generated by cvsdigest 1.2 http://www.nongnu.org/cvsdigest/

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