[Erp5-report] ERP5 Unit Test

seb at nexedi.com seb at nexedi.com
Mon May 30 01:05:08 CEST 2005

Date : 2005-05-30

Ran Unit test of CMFActivity
Ran 56 tests in 83.971s
Ran Unit test of Alarm
Ran Unit test of Resource
Ran Unit test of Interaction Workflow
Ran Unit test of Domain Tool
Ran Unit test of ERP5 Categories
Ran Unit test of Order
Ran 47 tests in 1645.965s
FAILED (failures=2, errors=7)
Ran Unit test of ERP5Type
Ran Unit test of XMLMatrix
Ran 12 tests in 252.152s
Ran Unit test of CMFCategory
Ran 13 tests in 73.273s
Ran Unit test of ERP5Catalog
Ran 12 tests in 78.130s
Ran Unit test of ERP5 SyncML
Ran 33 tests in 125.444s
-------------- next part --------------
Loading Zope, please stand by ... done (5.576s)
Installing ExtFile ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/__init__.py:6: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc4' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/ExtFile.py on line 81, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import ExtFile
done (0.067s)
Installing Photo ... done (0.202s)
Installing Formulator ... done (1.296s)
Installing ZSQLMethods ... done (0.017s)
Installing ZMySQLDA ... done (0.282s)
Installing ZSQLCatalog ... done (0.120s)
Installing ZMailIn ... done (0.040s)
Installing ZGDChart ... NOT FOUND
Installing ZCTextIndex ... done (0.205s)
Installing MailHost ... done (0.086s)
Installing PageTemplates ... done (0.042s)
Installing PythonScripts ... done (0.031s)
Installing ExternalMethod ... done (0.032s)
Installing Localizer ... done (0.031s)
Installing CMFCore ... done (0.030s)
Installing CMFDefault ... done (0.058s)
Installing CMFTopic ... done (0.015s)
Installing DCWorkflow ... done (0.063s)
Installing CMFCalendar ... done (0.101s)
Installing CMFPhoto ... done (0.039s)
Installing BTreeFolder2 ... done (0.040s)
Installing CMFReportTool ... done (2.446s)
Installing CMFMailIn ... done (0.117s)
Installing TranslationService ... done (0.054s)
Installing NuxUserGroups ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py:710: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  global_dict, global_dict, silly)
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/UserFolderWithGroups.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from UserFolderWithGroups import UserFolderWithGroups, addUserFolderWithGroups
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/BasicUserWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import BasicUserWithGroups
done (0.152s)
Installing CMFActivity ... done (0.154s)
Installing ERP5Catalog ... done (0.085s)
Installing ERP5Type ... done (0.152s)
Installing ERP5Form ... done (5.271s)
Installing ERP5SyncML ... done (0.384s)
Installing CMFCategory ... done (0.076s)
Installing Nexedi ... NOT FOUND
Installing ERP5 ... done (0.057s)
Installing Coramy ... NOT FOUND

Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_fc4c22da80f6010bfec5d1bc269450c7 ERP5 Site ... 
/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Catalog/CatalogTool.py:67: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/CatalogToolWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from Products.NuxUserGroups.CatalogToolWithGroups import mergedLocalRoles
Logout ... 
done (72.924s)
Ran Unit test of CMFActivity

Test Defered Set Title SQLDict .
Test Defered Set Title SQLQueue .
Test Defered Set Title RAMDict .
Test Defered Set Title RAMQueue .
Test Invoke And Cancel SQLDict .
Test Invoke And Cancel SQLQueue .
Test Invoke And Cancel RAMDict .
Test Invoke And Cancel RAMQueue .
Call Once With SQL Dict .
Call Once With SQL Queue .
Call Once With RAM Dict .
Call Once With RAM Queue .
Try Message With Error On SQL Dict .
Try Message With Error On SQL Queue .
Try Message With Error On RAM Dict .
Try Message With Error On RAM Queue .
Try Flush Activity With SQL Dict .
Try Flush Activity With SQL Queue .
Try Flush Activity With RAM Dict .
Try Flush Activity With RAM Queue .
Try Activate Inside Flush With SQL Dict .
Try Activate Inside Flush With SQL Queue .
Try Activate Inside Flush With RAM Dict .
Try Activate Inside Flush With RAM Queue .
Try Two Methods With SQL Dict .
Try Two Methods With SQL Queue .
Try Two Methods With RAM Dict .
Try Two Methods With RAM Queue .
Try Two Methods And Flush Them With SQL Dict .
Try Two Methods And Flush Them With SQL Queue .
Try Two Methods And Flush Them With RAM Dict .
Try Two Methods And Flush Them With RAM Queue .
Try Activate Flush Activate Tic With SQL Dict .
Try Activate Flush Activate Tic With SQL Queue .
Try Activate Flush Activate Tic With RAM Dict .
Try Activate Flush Activate Tic With RAM Queue .
Try Activate Flush Activate Tic With MultipleActivities .
Try Commit Sub Transaction With SQL Dict .
Try Commit Sub Transaction With SQL Queue .
Try Commit Sub Transaction With RAM Dict .
Try Commit Sub Transaction With RAM Queue .
Try Rename Object With SQL Dict .
Try Rename Object With SQL Queue .
Try Rename Object With RAM Dict .
Try Rename Object With RAM Queue .
Try Active Process With SQL Dict .
Try Active Process With SQL Queue .
Try Active Process With RAM Dict .
Try Active Process With RAM Queue .
Try Active Process Inside Activity With SQL Dict .
Try Active Process Inside Activity With SQL Queue .
Try Active Process Inside Activity With RAM Dict .
Try Active Process Inside Activity With RAM Queue .
Try Active Method After Another Activate Method With SQLDict.
Try Active Method After Another Activate Method With SQLQueue.
Try Call Activity With Right User.
Ran 56 tests in 83.971s

SOFTWARE_HOME: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python
INSTANCE_HOME: /mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope
['BaseCategory', 'CategoryCore']
['Account', 'Alarm', 'Amortisation', 'Amount', 'AppliedRule', 'Arrow', 'AgentPrivilege', 'Assignment', 'BankAccount', 'BusinessTemplate', 'Comment', 'DeliveryBuilder', 'Container', 'CopyrightTax', 'Delivery', 'Device', 'Discount', 'Document', 'Domain', 'EcoTax', 'FlowCapacity', 'Agent', 'GeographicAddress', 'Inventory', 'InventoryLine', 'Item', 'ItemAggregation', 'MailMessage', 'Currency', 'MappedValue', 'Movement', 'Organisation', 'Path', 'PaySheet', 'PaymentCondition', 'Periodicity', 'Person', 'PortalTest', 'Predicate', 'Price', 'Order', 'Pricing', 'Reference', 'Resource', 'SaleOpportunity', 'Simulation', 'SortIndex', 'StockCapacity', 'Task', 'Telephone', 'TradeCondition', 'Transformation', 'Bug', 'TransformedResource', 'Url', 'ValueAddedTax', 'DefaultSupply', 'Variation', 'VariationRange']
['Coordinate', 'Entity', 'Predicate', 'Variated']

Loading Zope, please stand by ... done (0.564s)
Installing ExtFile ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/__init__.py:6: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc4' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/ExtFile.py on line 81, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import ExtFile
done (0.037s)
Installing Photo ... done (0.042s)
Installing Formulator ... done (1.113s)
Installing ZSQLMethods ... done (0.009s)
Installing ZMySQLDA ... done (0.039s)
Installing ZSQLCatalog ... done (0.035s)
Installing ZMailIn ... done (0.021s)
Installing ZGDChart ... NOT FOUND
Installing ZCTextIndex ... done (0.081s)
Installing MailHost ... done (0.014s)
Installing PageTemplates ... done (0.009s)
Installing PythonScripts ... done (0.009s)
Installing ExternalMethod ... done (0.012s)
Installing Localizer ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCore ... done (0.013s)
Installing CMFDefault ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFTopic ... done (0.009s)
Installing DCWorkflow ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCalendar ... done (0.028s)
Installing CMFPhoto ... done (0.016s)
Installing BTreeFolder2 ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFReportTool ... done (0.916s)
Installing CMFMailIn ... done (0.019s)
Installing TranslationService ... done (0.016s)
Installing NuxUserGroups ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py:710: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  global_dict, global_dict, silly)
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/UserFolderWithGroups.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from UserFolderWithGroups import UserFolderWithGroups, addUserFolderWithGroups
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/BasicUserWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import BasicUserWithGroups
done (0.040s)
Installing CMFActivity ... done (0.026s)
Installing ERP5Catalog ... done (0.014s)
Installing ERP5Type ... done (0.024s)
Installing ERP5Form ... done (2.749s)
Installing ERP5SyncML ... done (0.048s)
Installing CMFCategory ... done (0.024s)
Installing Nexedi ... NOT FOUND
Installing ERP5 ... done (0.033s)
Installing Coramy ... NOT FOUND

Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_7e756eb972f79d46577096e1f775b137 ERP5 Site ... 
/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Catalog/CatalogTool.py:67: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/CatalogToolWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from Products.NuxUserGroups.CatalogToolWithGroups import mergedLocalRoles
Logout ... 
done (72.915s)
Ran Unit test of Alarm

Test Has Everything .
Test Initialization .
Test Every Hour .
Test Every 3 Hours .
Test Some Hours .
Every Day Once .
Every 3 Days Some Hours .
Some Week Days Some Hours .
Some Month Days Some Hours .
Once Every 2 Month .
Every Day Once Week 41 And 43 .
Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b ERP5 Site ... 
Adding erp5_apparel_depend business template ... 
Adding erp5_apparel business template ... 
Logout ... 
done (83.268s)
Ran Unit test of Resource

Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationBaseCategoryList.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/5/1/155).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/6/3/355).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryList.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/10/1/155).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/11/3/355).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationRangeCategoryItemList.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/15/1/155).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryList
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/16/3/355).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryList.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/20/1/155).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/21/3/355).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryListWithoutOmit.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/25/1/155).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemList
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/26/3/355).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemList.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/30/1/155).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemListWithoutOmit
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateResource
  Playing step... SetCategoryVariation
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithEmptyBase
  Playing step... SetIndividualVariationWithFillBaseidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_45ab845492d87b83eadd0260b392bf7b/apparel_model_module/31/3/355).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckGetVariationCategoryItemListWithoutOmit.
Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_4cd0cbd9f832c1cc0bbf22bc201c56fd ERP5 Site ... 
Logout ... 
done (69.450s)
Ran Unit test of Interaction Workflow

No Interactions .
Interactions On Edit .
Interactions, Edit Set Description and also After Script .
Interactions, Automatic Workflow Method .
Interactions, Automatic Workflow Method With Extra Base Category .
Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3 ERP5 Site ... 
Adding erp5_trade business template ... 
Adding erp5_apparel_depend business template ... 
Adding erp5_apparel business template ... 
Logout ... 
done (94.388s)
Ran Unit test of Domain Tool

Search Predicate List With No Test identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/blue/blue81).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/red/red81).
Search Predicate List With Test identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/blue/blue82).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/red/red82).
Generate Mapped Value identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/blue/blue83).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/red/red83).
Generate Mapped Value With Ranges identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/blue/blue84).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/red/red84).
Generate Mapped Value With Variation identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/blue/blue85).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_abb7502ddd47c5a104d78d8c7939c5d3/apparel_component_module/1/red/red85).
Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_2091f51fd6e7b137af03536101c89e7e ERP5 Site ... 
Logout ... 
done (66.683s)
Ran Unit test of ERP5 Categories

Rename Category .
Rename Category Tree .
Rename Related Object E
Rename Object With a related Sub Object E
Rename Membership Criterion Category .
Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d ERP5 Site ... 
Adding erp5_apparel_depend business template ... 
Adding erp5_apparel business template ... 
Adding erp5_trade business template ... 
Logout ... 
done (93.165s)
Ran Unit test of Order

Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCL
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCL
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCL
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/2/1/153).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/2/2/253).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/2/3/353).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCL.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCIL
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCIL
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCIL
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/4/1/153).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/4/2/253).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/4/3/353).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVRCIL..
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVCIL
vcl: []
vcil: []

  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/5/1/154).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/5/2/254).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/5/3/354).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineHalfVCL
vbc: colourresource_vcl: ['colour/apparel_model_module/5/3', 'colour/apparel_model_module/5/2', 'colour/apparel_model_module/5/1']split resource_vcl: ['colour/apparel_model_module/5/1', 'colour/apparel_model_module/5/2']
vbc: sizeresource_vcl: ['size/Baby', 'size/Child/32', 'size/Child/34', 'size/Man', 'size/Woman']split resource_vcl: ['size/Baby', 'size/Child/32', 'size/Child/34']
vbc: morphologyresource_vcl: ['morphology/apparel_model_module/5/5', 'morphology/apparel_model_module/5/4']split resource_vcl: ['morphology/apparel_model_module/5/4']
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineVCIL
vcl: ['colour/apparel_model_module/5/1', 'colour/apparel_model_module/5/2', 'size/Baby', 'size/Child/32', 'size/Child/34', 'morphology/apparel_model_module/5/4']
vcil: [['Colour/ColourVariation0', 'colour/apparel_model_module/5/1'], ['Colour/ColourVariation1', 'colour/apparel_model_module/5/2'], ['Size/Baby', 'size/Baby'], ['Size/Child/32', 'size/Child/32'], ['Size/Child/34', 'size/Child/34'], ['Morphology/MorphologyVariation0', 'morphology/apparel_model_module/5/4']]
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineRange
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineHalfVCL
vbc: colourresource_vcl: []split resource_vcl: []
vbc: sizeresource_vcl: []split resource_vcl: []
vbc: morphologyresource_vcl: []split resource_vcl: []
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineRange
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineEmptyVCL
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/7/1/154).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/7/2/254).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/7/3/354).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineRange
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineHalfVCL
vbc: colourresource_vcl: ['colour/apparel_model_module/7/3', 'colour/apparel_model_module/7/2', 'colour/apparel_model_module/7/1']split resource_vcl: ['colour/apparel_model_module/7/1', 'colour/apparel_model_module/7/2']
vbc: sizeresource_vcl: ['size/Baby', 'size/Child/32', 'size/Child/34', 'size/Man', 'size/Woman']split resource_vcl: ['size/Baby', 'size/Child/32', 'size/Child/34']
vbc: morphologyresource_vcl: ['morphology/apparel_model_module/7/5', 'morphology/apparel_model_module/7/4']split resource_vcl: ['morphology/apparel_model_module/7/4']
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineRange
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineEmptyVCL
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineRange
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/9/1/153).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/9/2/253).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/9/3/353).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineTotalPrice
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/11/1/154).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/11/2/254).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/11/3/354).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineTotalPrice.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CheckOrderTotalQuantityE
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CheckOrderTotalPriceE
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/12/1/15).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/12/2/25).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/12/3/35).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderInitialState
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineState
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderCellState
  Playing step... PlanOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderPlanned
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineState
  Playing step... CheckOrderCellState.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CheckOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/13/1/152).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/13/2/252).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/13/3/352).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... CheckOrderLineAcquisition
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... CheckOrderCellAcquisition
  Playing step... Tic.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CheckPortalMethod
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... PlanOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... OrderOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... CancelOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
Starting New Sequence 3... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... PlanOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... OrderOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... ConfirmOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
Starting New Sequence 4... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/16/1/15).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/16/2/25).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/16/3/35).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... OrderOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... ConfirmOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
Starting New Sequence 5... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/17/1/152).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/17/2/252).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/17/3/352).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... OrderOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... ConfirmOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
Starting New Sequence 6... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/18/1/154).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/18/2/254).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/18/3/354).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... OrderOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation
  Playing step... ConfirmOrder
  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CheckOrderSimulation.
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... CreateVariatedResourceidentify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/20/1/152).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/20/2/252).
identify: No decode delegate for this image format (/home/erp5_test/zope/var/reposit/erp5_portal_94efc1a5060f3b289df26ce4c9da2e5d/apparel_model_module/20/3/352).

  Playing step... Tic
  Playing step... CreateOrderLine
  Playing step... SetOrderLineResource
  Playing step... SetOrderLineDefaultValues
  Playing step... SetOrderLineFullVCL
  Playing step... CompleteOrderLineMatrix
  Playing step... OrderOrder
  Playing step... TicF
Starting New Sequence 1... 
  Playing step... CheckDeliveryBuilderPresence
Starting New Sequence 2... 
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation1
  Playing step... CreateOrganisation2
  Playing step... CreateOrder
  Playing step... SetOrderProfile
  Playing step... CreateNotVariatedResource
  Playing step... TicF
ERROR: test_03_GenerateMappedValue (testDomainTool.Test)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testDomainTool.py", line 258, in test_03_GenerateMappedValue
AttributeError: setPricedQuantity

ERROR: test_04_GenerateMappedValueWithRanges (testDomainTool.Test)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testDomainTool.py", line 276, in test_04_GenerateMappedValueWithRanges
AttributeError: setPricedQuantity

ERROR: test_05_GenerateMappedValueWithVariation (testDomainTool.Test)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testDomainTool.py", line 306, in test_05_GenerateMappedValueWithVariation
AttributeError: setPricedQuantity

ERROR: test_03 (testERP5Category.Test)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testERP5Category.py", line 170, in test_03
AttributeError: setAbcValueList

ERROR: test_04 (testERP5Category.Test)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testERP5Category.py", line 184, in test_04
AttributeError: setAbcValueList

ERROR: test_08_Order_testTotalQuantity (testOrder.TestOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testOrder.py", line 841, in test_08_Order_testTotalQuantity
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 113, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 65, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 52, in play
  File "testOrder.py", line 783, in stepCheckOrderTotalQuantity
    self.assertEquals(total_quantity, order.getTotalQuantity())
  File "/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5/Document/Delivery.py", line 580, in getTotalQuantity
    aggregate = self.Delivery_zGetTotal(**kw)[0]
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/DA.py", line 457, in __call__
    else: result=DB__.query(query, self.max_rows_)
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 331, in query
OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'movement.has_cell_content' in 'where clause'")

ERROR: test_09_Order_testTotalPrice (testOrder.TestOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testOrder.py", line 911, in test_09_Order_testTotalPrice
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 113, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 65, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 52, in play
  File "testOrder.py", line 855, in stepCheckOrderTotalPrice
    self.assertEquals(total_price, order.getTotalPrice())
  File "/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5/Document/Delivery.py", line 568, in getTotalPrice
    aggregate = self.Delivery_zGetTotal(**kw)[0]
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/DA.py", line 457, in __call__
    else: result=DB__.query(query, self.max_rows_)
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 331, in query
OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'movement.has_cell_content' in 'where clause'")

FAIL: test_13_testAppliedRuleUpdate (testOrder.TestOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testOrder.py", line 1350, in test_13_testAppliedRuleUpdate
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 113, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 65, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 52, in play
  File "testOrder.py", line 134, in stepTic
  File "/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/ERP5TypeTestCase.py", line 246, in tic
    self.failUnless(count > 0)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 278, in failUnless
    if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg

FAIL: test_15_deliveryBuilder (testOrder.TestOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testOrder.py", line 1577, in test_15_deliveryBuilder
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 113, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 65, in play
  File "/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 52, in play
  File "testOrder.py", line 134, in stepTic
  File "/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Type/tests/ERP5TypeTestCase.py", line 246, in tic
    self.failUnless(count > 0)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 278, in failUnless
    if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg

Ran 47 tests in 1645.965s

FAILED (failures=2, errors=7)
SOFTWARE_HOME: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python
INSTANCE_HOME: /mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope
['BaseCategory', 'CategoryCore']
['Account', 'Alarm', 'Amortisation', 'Amount', 'AppliedRule', 'Arrow', 'AgentPrivilege', 'Assignment', 'BankAccount', 'BusinessTemplate', 'Comment', 'DeliveryBuilder', 'Container', 'CopyrightTax', 'Delivery', 'Device', 'Discount', 'Document', 'Domain', 'EcoTax', 'FlowCapacity', 'Agent', 'GeographicAddress', 'Inventory', 'InventoryLine', 'Item', 'ItemAggregation', 'MailMessage', 'Currency', 'MappedValue', 'Movement', 'Organisation', 'Path', 'PaySheet', 'PaymentCondition', 'Periodicity', 'Person', 'PortalTest', 'Predicate', 'Price', 'Order', 'Pricing', 'Reference', 'Resource', 'SaleOpportunity', 'Simulation', 'SortIndex', 'StockCapacity', 'Task', 'Telephone', 'TradeCondition', 'Transformation', 'Bug', 'TransformedResource', 'Url', 'ValueAddedTax', 'DefaultSupply', 'Variation', 'VariationRange']
['Coordinate', 'Entity', 'Predicate', 'Variated']

SOFTWARE_HOME: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python
INSTANCE_HOME: /mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope
Loading Zope, please stand by ... done (0.674s)
Installing ExtFile ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/__init__.py:6: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc4' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/ExtFile.py on line 81, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import ExtFile
done (0.038s)
Installing Photo ... done (0.092s)
Installing Formulator ... done (1.035s)
Installing ZSQLMethods ... done (0.008s)
Installing ZMySQLDA ... done (0.036s)
Installing ZSQLCatalog ... done (0.035s)
Installing ZMailIn ... done (0.021s)
Installing ZGDChart ... NOT FOUND
Installing ZCTextIndex ... done (0.087s)
Installing MailHost ... done (0.013s)
Installing PageTemplates ... done (0.009s)
Installing PythonScripts ... done (0.009s)
Installing ExternalMethod ... done (0.013s)
Installing Localizer ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCore ... done (0.012s)
Installing CMFDefault ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFTopic ... done (0.009s)
Installing DCWorkflow ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCalendar ... done (0.028s)
Installing CMFPhoto ... done (0.016s)
Installing BTreeFolder2 ... done (0.011s)
Installing CMFReportTool ... done (0.870s)
Installing CMFMailIn ... done (0.020s)
Installing TranslationService ... done (0.016s)
Installing NuxUserGroups ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py:710: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  global_dict, global_dict, silly)
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/UserFolderWithGroups.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from UserFolderWithGroups import UserFolderWithGroups, addUserFolderWithGroups
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/BasicUserWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import BasicUserWithGroups
done (0.041s)
Installing CMFActivity ... done (0.027s)
Installing ERP5Catalog ... done (0.014s)
Installing ERP5Type ... done (0.024s)
Installing ERP5Form ... done (2.569s)
Installing ERP5SyncML ... done (0.041s)
Installing CMFCategory ... done (0.021s)
Installing Nexedi ... NOT FOUND
Installing ERP5 ... done (0.029s)
Installing Coramy ... NOT FOUND

Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_7d78b63be95e422cfd4ccedfad376e48 ERP5 Site ... 
/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Catalog/CatalogTool.py:67: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/CatalogToolWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from Products.NuxUserGroups.CatalogToolWithGroups import mergedLocalRoles
Logout ... 
done (65.756s)
Ran Unit test of ERP5Type
Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_27661e9717edf957b357f01fd11acfb6 ERP5 Site ... 
Adding erp5_trade business template ... 
Logout ... 
done (78.172s)
Ran Unit test of XMLMatrix

Test Rename Cell Range .
Test Set Cell Range And Catalog With Activities .
Test Set Cell Range And Catalog Without Activities .
Ran 12 tests in 252.152s

['BaseCategory', 'CategoryCore']
['Account', 'Alarm', 'Amortisation', 'Amount', 'AppliedRule', 'Arrow', 'AgentPrivilege', 'Assignment', 'BankAccount', 'BusinessTemplate', 'Comment', 'DeliveryBuilder', 'Container', 'CopyrightTax', 'Delivery', 'Device', 'Discount', 'Document', 'Domain', 'EcoTax', 'FlowCapacity', 'Agent', 'GeographicAddress', 'Inventory', 'InventoryLine', 'Item', 'ItemAggregation', 'MailMessage', 'Currency', 'MappedValue', 'Movement', 'Organisation', 'Path', 'PaySheet', 'PaymentCondition', 'Periodicity', 'Person', 'PortalTest', 'Predicate', 'Price', 'Order', 'Pricing', 'Reference', 'Resource', 'SaleOpportunity', 'Simulation', 'SortIndex', 'StockCapacity', 'Task', 'Telephone', 'TradeCondition', 'Transformation', 'Bug', 'TransformedResource', 'Url', 'ValueAddedTax', 'DefaultSupply', 'Variation', 'VariationRange']
['Coordinate', 'Entity', 'Predicate', 'Variated']

Loading Zope, please stand by ... done (0.613s)
Installing ExtFile ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/__init__.py:6: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc4' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/ExtFile.py on line 81, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import ExtFile
done (0.038s)
Installing Photo ... done (0.043s)
Installing Formulator ... done (1.101s)
Installing ZSQLMethods ... done (0.008s)
Installing ZMySQLDA ... done (0.036s)
Installing ZSQLCatalog ... done (0.035s)
Installing ZMailIn ... done (0.020s)
Installing ZGDChart ... NOT FOUND
Installing ZCTextIndex ... done (0.081s)
Installing MailHost ... done (0.013s)
Installing PageTemplates ... done (0.010s)
Installing PythonScripts ... done (0.009s)
Installing ExternalMethod ... done (0.012s)
Installing Localizer ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCore ... done (0.012s)
Installing CMFDefault ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFTopic ... done (0.009s)
Installing DCWorkflow ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCalendar ... done (0.028s)
Installing CMFPhoto ... done (0.016s)
Installing BTreeFolder2 ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFReportTool ... done (0.837s)
Installing CMFMailIn ... done (0.019s)
Installing TranslationService ... done (0.016s)
Installing NuxUserGroups ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py:710: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  global_dict, global_dict, silly)
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/UserFolderWithGroups.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from UserFolderWithGroups import UserFolderWithGroups, addUserFolderWithGroups
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/BasicUserWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import BasicUserWithGroups
done (0.041s)
Installing CMFActivity ... done (0.027s)
Installing ERP5Catalog ... done (0.014s)
Installing ERP5Type ... done (0.024s)
Installing ERP5Form ... done (2.724s)
Installing ERP5SyncML ... done (0.040s)
Installing CMFCategory ... done (0.020s)
Installing Nexedi ... NOT FOUND
Installing ERP5 ... done (0.026s)
Installing Coramy ... NOT FOUND

Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_899c4be27d23614f49b31b5c42fd7a02 ERP5 Site ... 
/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Catalog/CatalogTool.py:67: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/CatalogToolWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from Products.NuxUserGroups.CatalogToolWithGroups import mergedLocalRoles
Logout ... 
done (68.263s)
Ran Unit test of CMFCategory

 Test Has Everything .
 Test Single Category .
 Test Multiple Category .
 Test Category Value .
 Test Return None .
 Test Single Acquisition .
 Test List Acquisition .
 Test Subordination Value .
 Test Subordination Multiple Value .
 Test Get Category Parent Uid List .
 Test Fallback Base Category .
 Test Parent Acquisition .
 Test Get Related Value And Value List .
Ran 13 tests in 73.273s

SOFTWARE_HOME: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python
INSTANCE_HOME: /mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope
['BaseCategory', 'CategoryCore']
['Account', 'Alarm', 'Amortisation', 'Amount', 'AppliedRule', 'Arrow', 'AgentPrivilege', 'Assignment', 'BankAccount', 'BusinessTemplate', 'Comment', 'DeliveryBuilder', 'Container', 'CopyrightTax', 'Delivery', 'Device', 'Discount', 'Document', 'Domain', 'EcoTax', 'FlowCapacity', 'Agent', 'GeographicAddress', 'Inventory', 'InventoryLine', 'Item', 'ItemAggregation', 'MailMessage', 'Currency', 'MappedValue', 'Movement', 'Organisation', 'Path', 'PaySheet', 'PaymentCondition', 'Periodicity', 'Person', 'PortalTest', 'Predicate', 'Price', 'Order', 'Pricing', 'Reference', 'Resource', 'SaleOpportunity', 'Simulation', 'SortIndex', 'StockCapacity', 'Task', 'Telephone', 'TradeCondition', 'Transformation', 'Bug', 'TransformedResource', 'Url', 'ValueAddedTax', 'DefaultSupply', 'Variation', 'VariationRange']
['Coordinate', 'Entity', 'Predicate', 'Variated']

Loading Zope, please stand by ... done (0.541s)
Installing ExtFile ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/__init__.py:6: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc4' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/ExtFile.py on line 81, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import ExtFile
done (0.038s)
Installing Photo ... done (0.043s)
Installing Formulator ... done (1.118s)
Installing ZSQLMethods ... done (0.009s)
Installing ZMySQLDA ... done (0.036s)
Installing ZSQLCatalog ... done (0.035s)
Installing ZMailIn ... done (0.021s)
Installing ZGDChart ... NOT FOUND
Installing ZCTextIndex ... done (0.082s)
Installing MailHost ... done (0.014s)
Installing PageTemplates ... done (0.009s)
Installing PythonScripts ... done (0.009s)
Installing ExternalMethod ... done (0.012s)
Installing Localizer ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCore ... done (0.012s)
Installing CMFDefault ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFTopic ... done (0.009s)
Installing DCWorkflow ... done (0.010s)
Installing CMFCalendar ... done (0.028s)
Installing CMFPhoto ... done (0.016s)
Installing BTreeFolder2 ... done (0.011s)
Installing CMFReportTool ... done (0.926s)
Installing CMFMailIn ... done (0.019s)
Installing TranslationService ... done (0.016s)
Installing NuxUserGroups ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py:710: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  global_dict, global_dict, silly)
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/UserFolderWithGroups.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from UserFolderWithGroups import UserFolderWithGroups, addUserFolderWithGroups
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/BasicUserWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import BasicUserWithGroups
done (0.041s)
Installing CMFActivity ... done (0.027s)
Installing ERP5Catalog ... done (0.014s)
Installing ERP5Type ... done (0.025s)
Installing ERP5Form ... done (2.548s)
Installing ERP5SyncML ... done (0.040s)
Installing CMFCategory ... done (0.020s)
Installing Nexedi ... NOT FOUND
Installing ERP5 ... done (0.026s)
Installing Coramy ... NOT FOUND

Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_7e30a590a16d40fdaa7f1166b2e18968 ERP5 Site ... 
/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Catalog/CatalogTool.py:67: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/CatalogToolWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from Products.NuxUserGroups.CatalogToolWithGroups import mergedLocalRoles
Logout ... 
done (67.994s)
Ran Unit test of ERP5Catalog

Test Has Everything .
Test Everything Catalogued.
Test Create And Delete Objects .
Search Folder With Deleted Objects .
Search Folder With Immediate Reindex Object .
Search Folder With Recursive Immediate Reindex Object .
Clear Catalog And Test New Content .
Clear Catalog And Test Recursive Immediate Reindex Object .
Clear Catalog And Test Immediate Reindex Object .
Ordered Search Folder .
Test Standard Search Folder .
Test Search Folder With Negative Group.
Ran 12 tests in 78.130s

SOFTWARE_HOME: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python
INSTANCE_HOME: /mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope
['BaseCategory', 'CategoryCore']
['Account', 'Alarm', 'Amortisation', 'Amount', 'AppliedRule', 'Arrow', 'AgentPrivilege', 'Assignment', 'BankAccount', 'BusinessTemplate', 'Comment', 'DeliveryBuilder', 'Container', 'CopyrightTax', 'Delivery', 'Device', 'Discount', 'Document', 'Domain', 'EcoTax', 'FlowCapacity', 'Agent', 'GeographicAddress', 'Inventory', 'InventoryLine', 'Item', 'ItemAggregation', 'MailMessage', 'Currency', 'MappedValue', 'Movement', 'Organisation', 'Path', 'PaySheet', 'PaymentCondition', 'Periodicity', 'Person', 'PortalTest', 'Predicate', 'Price', 'Order', 'Pricing', 'Reference', 'Resource', 'SaleOpportunity', 'Simulation', 'SortIndex', 'StockCapacity', 'Task', 'Telephone', 'TradeCondition', 'Transformation', 'Bug', 'TransformedResource', 'Url', 'ValueAddedTax', 'DefaultSupply', 'Variation', 'VariationRange']
['Coordinate', 'Entity', 'Predicate', 'Variated']

Loading Zope, please stand by ... done (0.528s)
Installing ExtFile ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/__init__.py:6: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc4' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/ExtFile.py on line 81, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import ExtFile
done (0.038s)
Installing Photo ... done (0.042s)
Installing Formulator ... done (1.036s)
Installing ZSQLMethods ... done (0.009s)
Installing ZMySQLDA ... done (0.036s)
Installing ZSQLCatalog ... done (0.036s)
Installing ZMailIn ... done (0.021s)
Installing ZGDChart ... NOT FOUND
Installing ZCTextIndex ... done (0.088s)
Installing MailHost ... done (0.013s)
Installing PageTemplates ... done (0.009s)
Installing PythonScripts ... done (0.009s)
Installing ExternalMethod ... done (0.014s)
Installing Localizer ... done (0.014s)
Installing CMFCore ... done (0.018s)
Installing CMFDefault ... done (0.015s)
Installing CMFTopic ... done (0.013s)
Installing DCWorkflow ... done (0.015s)
Installing CMFCalendar ... done (0.040s)
Installing CMFPhoto ... done (0.023s)
Installing BTreeFolder2 ... done (0.015s)
Installing CMFReportTool ... done (0.958s)
Installing CMFMailIn ... done (0.019s)
Installing TranslationService ... done (0.031s)
Installing NuxUserGroups ... /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py:710: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  global_dict, global_dict, silly)
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/UserFolderWithGroups.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from UserFolderWithGroups import UserFolderWithGroups, addUserFolderWithGroups
/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/__init__.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/BasicUserWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  import BasicUserWithGroups
done (0.040s)
Installing CMFActivity ... done (0.027s)
Installing ERP5Catalog ... done (0.014s)
Installing ERP5Type ... done (0.024s)
Installing ERP5Form ... done (2.608s)
Installing ERP5SyncML ... done (0.040s)
Installing CMFCategory ... done (0.020s)
Installing Nexedi ... NOT FOUND
Installing ERP5 ... done (0.026s)
Installing Coramy ... NOT FOUND

Adding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... 
Adding erp5_portal_3333a9dcd9c141b25e8c04ed9f17fef0 ERP5 Site ... 
/mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope/Products/ERP5Catalog/CatalogTool.py:67: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/NuxUserGroups/CatalogToolWithGroups.py on line 2, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
  from Products.NuxUserGroups.CatalogToolWithGroups import mergedLocalRoles
Logout ... 
done (66.873s)
Ran Unit test of ERP5 SyncML

Test Has Everything .
Test Add a Publication .
Test Add First Subscription .
Test Add Second Subscription .
Test getSynchronizationList .
Test getObjectList .
Test Export and Import .
Test First Synchronization .
Test First Synchronization With Long Lines .
Test getObjectFromGid .
Test getSynchronizationState .
Test Update Simple Data .
Test Get Conflict List .
Test Get Publisher And Subscriber Document Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/logging/__init__.py", line 663, in emit
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/logging/__init__.py", line 559, in format
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/logging/__init__.py", line 361, in format
  File "/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/logging/__init__.py", line 334, in formatException
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/traceback.py", line 123, in print_exception
    print_tb(tb, limit, file)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/traceback.py", line 68, in print_tb
    line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/linecache.py", line 14, in getline
    lines = getlines(filename)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/linecache.py", line 40, in getlines
    return updatecache(filename)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
Test Apply Publisher Value .
Test Apply Subscriber Value .
Test Add Sub Object .
Test Update Sub Object .
Test Delete Object .
Test Delete Sub Object .
Test Get Conflict List On Sub Object .
Test Apply Publisher Document On Sub Object .
Test Apply Subscriber Document On Sub Object .
Test Synchronize With Strange Gid .
Test Multi Node Conflict .
Test Synchronize WorkflowHistory .
Test Update Local Role .
Test Partial Data .
Test Broken Message .
Test Get Synchronization Type .
Test Update Local Permission .
Test Add One Way Subscription .
Test One Way Sync .
Ran 33 tests in 125.444s

SOFTWARE_HOME: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python
INSTANCE_HOME: /mnt/backup2/home/erp5_test/zope
['BaseCategory', 'CategoryCore']
['Account', 'Alarm', 'Amortisation', 'Amount', 'AppliedRule', 'Arrow', 'AgentPrivilege', 'Assignment', 'BankAccount', 'BusinessTemplate', 'Comment', 'DeliveryBuilder', 'Container', 'CopyrightTax', 'Delivery', 'Device', 'Discount', 'Document', 'Domain', 'EcoTax', 'FlowCapacity', 'Agent', 'GeographicAddress', 'Inventory', 'InventoryLine', 'Item', 'ItemAggregation', 'MailMessage', 'Currency', 'MappedValue', 'Movement', 'Organisation', 'Path', 'PaySheet', 'PaymentCondition', 'Periodicity', 'Person', 'PortalTest', 'Predicate', 'Price', 'Order', 'Pricing', 'Reference', 'Resource', 'SaleOpportunity', 'Simulation', 'SortIndex', 'StockCapacity', 'Task', 'Telephone', 'TradeCondition', 'Transformation', 'Bug', 'TransformedResource', 'Url', 'ValueAddedTax', 'DefaultSupply', 'Variation', 'VariationRange']
['Coordinate', 'Entity', 'Predicate', 'Variated']

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