[Erp5-report] ERP5

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Thu May 26 18:09:00 CEST 2005

User:   seb
Date:   2005-05-26 17:54:17
Module: ERP5

    forget to define the variable base_price

    M Document/Resource.py

User:   rc
Date:   2005-05-26 17:57:29
Module: ERP5

    Restore hasCellRange old implementation, because DeliveryLine can be a
    movement when it does not content any cell and matrix cell range is
    not empty.

    M Document/DeliveryLine.py

User:   seb
Date:   2005-05-26 17:57:32
Module: ERP5

    do not put in the list resource with empty quantities

    M Document/TransformedResource.py

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