[Erp5-report] ERP5, ERP5Type

cvsdigest nobody at cvs.erp5.org
Fri Mar 11 09:29:00 CET 2005

User:   rc
Date:   2005-03-11 09:21:57
Module: ERP5Type

    Bug fix: trigger method id of interaction workflow must match a class method id.

    M Base.py

User:   rc
Date:   2005-03-11 09:23:12
Module: ERP5

    Bug fix: correct the meta type of InteractionWorkflow.

    M InteractionWorkflow.py

User:   rc
Date:   2005-03-11 09:26:09
Module: ERP5Type

    Add method updateCellRange which call automatically the correct _asCellRange script and do a setCellRange.

    M XMLMatrix.py

Generated by cvsdigest 1.0 http://enbug.org/cvsdigest.html

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