[Erp5-dev] HowToUseTheCmfActivityTool r40

Vincent Pelletier vincent at nexedi.com
Tue Apr 13 09:44:15 CEST 2010

Le mardi 13 avril 2010 02:48:47, Yoshinori Okuji a écrit :
> I don' think so. Wiki exists to edit. If something is wrong, simply edit it
> and add your comment when saving it. If you need to say more, this probably
> means that you should write more articles on the wiki, but not sending mail
>  at somewhere else. ;)


> I don't like, either. But I don't have time to rewrite it nicely, so I only
> removed it.

That's what I didn't want to do (at least, not without explanations from 
initial mail).
I added a link to this thread in the page, so this doesn't get lost.

> If I would remake CMFActivity in long future, I would make the selection of
> an activity explicit.


> BTW, I think it is bad that the terminology is often confused even by
>  people in Nexedi. "Activity" is an agent / engine planning and executing
>  objects (e.g. SQLDict). Objects are activated, then they become "Active
>  Objects". But I see people mistakenly calling active objects "activities"
>  - this kind of confusion is quite dangerous when teaching. Note that this
>  terminology is not specific to ERP5. In fact, "Active Object" is a
>  well-known design pattern in distributed computing.

Right, I am confused too about the namings.
There is also the "message" naming used in the code to refer to an active 
object, and "active object" in the code is in fact used as container for 
asynchronous processing results...
A naming cleanup would make a lot of good, I think (I think of a lexicon in 
the wiki which would clearly state what is misnamed in the code, and the 
definition of each term).

Vincent Pelletier

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