[Erp5-dev] Initial review of contributions

Jean-Paul Smets jp at nexedi.com
Wed Nov 18 14:25:05 CET 2009


I read this:

Thanks for documenting the patches.

There are quite a few improvements I would like to integrate to core 
after careful review. I am sure some of these (not all) would already be 
in the core if submitted to the ML (I remember only one which was 2 
years ago).


    -> Maybe. More review needed.

    improved_status_message ¶

    -> Maybe. More review needed.

    boxover ¶

    -> Yes for idea. Implementation review needed in the context of 
listbox code unification and replacement of current KM popup menu. 
Selenium tests required.

    parallel_list_field_js ¶

    -> Yes for idea. Implementation review needed. Selenium tests required.


    -> No idea yet (I do not understand purpose)

    always_init_script ¶

    -> Probably not. What is the problem of redefining portal type init 
scipt method ? If it is a business template feature missing, then better 
to improve business templates.

    person_get_title_cleanup ¶

    -> Maybe. Must be studied in context of non-European localization, 
which adds many other issues related to sorting and searching in 
multiple languages of something which can be represented in different ways.

    enable_redirect_from_base_edit ¶

    -> Probably not. To me it fills like either doing what workflow does 
or or what fast input is meant for, and makes form behaviour less 
consistent overall. Fast input forms are the place to do such "wizard" 
like forms.

    save_and_process_button ¶

    -> Probably not. To me it fills like doing what fast input is meant 
for at module level and makes form behaviour less consistent overall.

    switching_object_tabs_ajax ¶

    -> Yes for idea. Implementation review needed. Selenium tests required.

    relation_string_field_popup ¶

    -> Yes for idea. Implementation review needed. Selenium tests required.

Overall, some howto seems required for fast input forms, which are 
essential to help people entering data faster in the context of their 
specific business.

Some other hints to get your patch integrated:
    - announce your patch on erp5-dev ML (not erp5-users)
    - write a test (selenium tests for widgets, unit tests for features)
    - provide agreement to migrate to GPLv3 licensing (recommended by FSF)

Please also keep in mind that some features which are great for you in 
the context of your project may actually be catastrophic for ten  other 
big users and may require much for work to reach a generic solution 
acceptable to everyone (ex. person_get_title_cleanup is typical of 
this). In such a case, it hurst nobody to keep your patch in 
experimental repository or somewhere else.

Still, it is very good to know, because it will  help improving the core.



Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes, Nexedi CEO - Tel. +33(0)6 29 02 44 25
ERP5 Enterprise: Open Source ERP/CRM for Mission Critical Applications
TioLive SaaS: run your business online, with more freedom
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software 

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