[Erp5-dev] Unauthorized on document ingestion

Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz mikolaj at erp5.pl
Mon Jun 2 14:35:46 CEST 2008


I've been trying to contribute a document through 
(Entity_viewContributeFile form) Entity_contributeContent script.
During processsing I get an anauthorized exception in 
'processing_status_workflow' on here.hasData()
It looks like security is unset yet, and user doesn't have any 
permissions to check for that Data. Giving Entity_contributeContent 
proxy role works, but I'm sure there might be a better way...

My question is what could be the other way? Is this a known issue?

P.S. When the document is created user has intentional full access to it
P.P.S. Traceback included:

     * <PythonScript at /erp5/Entity_contributeContent used for 
       Line 20
     * Module AccessControl.ZopeGuards, line 341, in guarded_apply
     * Module AccessControl.ZopeGuards, line 363, in builtin_guarded_apply
     * Module Products.ERP5.Tool.ContributionTool, line 246, in newContent
     * Module Products.ERP5Type.WebDAVSupport, line 233, in PUT_factory
     * Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 930, in constructContent
     * Module Products.Experimental.patches.ERP5Type_always_init_script, 
line 58, in ERP5TypeInformation_constructInstance
     * Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 354, in _finishConstruction
     * Module Products.CMFCore.CMFCatalogAware, line 128, in 
     * Module Products.CMFCore.WorkflowTool, line 354, in notifyCreated
     * Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 388, in notifyCreated
     * Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 479, in _changeStateOf
     * Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 458, in 
     * Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 449, in 
     * Module Products.DCWorkflow.Guard, line 90, in check
     * Module Products.CMFCore.Expression, line 44, in __call__
     * Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 47, in __call__
       __traceback_info__: here.hasData()
     * Module Python expression "here.hasData()", line 1, in <expression>
     * Module AccessControl.ImplPython, line 727, in guarded_getattr
     * Module AccessControl.ImplPython, line 669, in aq_validate
     * Module AccessControl.ImplPython, line 563, in validate
     * Module AccessControl.ImplPython, line 461, in validate
     * Module AccessControl.ImplPython, line 808, in raiseVerbose

Unauthorized: Your user account does not have the required permission. 
Access to 'hasData' of (OOoDocument at 
/erp5/portal_contributions/test_document.odt) denied. Your user account, 
boss, exists at /erp5/acl_users. Access requires one of the following 
roles: ['Assignee', 'Assignor', 'Associate', 'Auditor', 'Author', 
'Manager']. Your roles in this context are ['Authenticated', 'Member', 

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