[Erp5-dev] start_date on non-movement object

bartek bartek at erp5.pl
Sat Mar 22 11:23:04 CET 2008

Łukasz Nowak wrote:
> Hello,
> Using clean r18550 system.
> There is Person object. They have Birthday defined as start_date. So I
> set this date.
> It is possible to choose Birthday as column on Person listbox. Chosen.
> But it is not possible to sort/search by this column. Log message:

AFAIK technically if you add Person portal type to "movement" type group 
the start_date should be catalogged.

Of course it doesn't make any sense :D Person is not a movement, so this 
is not a clean way to do it. Come to think of that, maybe the date of 
birth should not be start_date...?

> 2008-03-21T16:14:34 WARNING SQLCatalog buildSQLQuery could not build
> sort index (start_date -> None)
> How to sort/search using such property? It is not catalogued, isn't it?
> As start/stop date is on movements/deliveries. Yes? No? I'm stuck.
> Again. ;)
> Well. And if I create new table in catalog, which will have start_date
> column, catalog Persons in it. How to use that? Eg. table would be named
> persondata. Editing start_date to persondata.start_date is not
> disallowing sort/search, and Persons object to have entries in
> persondata table...

Have you followed http://www.erp5.org/HowToAddTableToCatalog? Still 
doesn't work?


> I know I do not know much about SQL related issues, but believe me - I
> read many times what is in SQLCatalog/*txt, SQLCatalog/help/* and
> ERP5Catalog/*txt, ERP5Catalog/help/* ...
> Regards,
> Luke

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