[Erp5-dev] Changing Invoice Line quantity on confirmed invoice (more than one time), test questions

Łukasz Nowak lukasz.nowak at ventis.com.pl
Fri Jan 18 11:13:06 CET 2008


There is Sale Invoice Transaction made by delivered Sale Packing List,
made by confirmed Sale Order.

Attached test (from ERP5/tests/testInvoice.py) is passing on head
revision, but do not pass on 15401 - after changing invoice
line and accepting decision on invoice is still divergent.


1) Is there any similar test, which would help me finding correction to
that problem which might happened between 15401 and HEAD?
2) Does my provided test is good enough to be appended to invoice test
suite (if something is testing same issue please let me know - it
might be to low level for me)?

And another thing - some time ago I've written (and published here)
simple & dirty but working test case analyser, which was based on tests
sent to erp5-report mailing list. But from some time test case has
changed, so I'm not able to make even human based analysis to choose
backtrack changes (choosing good revision is easier), which might help
with finding out, when some issues have been fixed - and many commit
logs are so low level that I have no idea if they are associated with
higher level problems.

So my question is - is it possible to provide some kind of meta
information about erp5-report tests reports and/or ideas about (semi)
automagic analysis of those reports? If not - what is wrong (beside
heavier emails) with providing full test report? If not - is there any
chance to have some kind of stabilisation of how unit test reports
looks like? I wouldn't like to spent few times on coding, publishing
another tool to see, that there are another changes, that my tools are


Łukasz Nowak R&D Ventis http://www.ventis.com.pl/
tel: +48 32 768 16 85 fax: +48 32 392 10 61
``Use the Source, Luke...'' I am only craftsman.
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