[Erp5-dev] Beautiful Code Book
Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
ratem at cefetcampos.br
Sat Mar 17 18:46:13 CET 2007
>Great news. What would be fantastic is to be able to include the article in
>erp5.org site. The previous one published at IEEE is now very hard to get.
>Many people would like to get it but I can not because it is proprietary.
Yes, one must buy it from IEEE (althought I have it in PDF, you can print it
and give it to prospective customers - I have sent it to you, haven´t I?),
it is a pitty, but that´s the price to pay for publishing in such a
proeminent journal.
To avoid this in the future, what do you think of publishing our academical
research in pieces in erp5.org? I explain: we are going to publish about
ERP5 design patterns in the International Journal of Patterns (IJOP) blog as
a series of small weekly articles. The union of all those small articles was
aready submited to IET Software (UK).
Now the good news:
>Do you think it will be posisble to put this new chapter in erp5.org ?
YES! That was one of the first author´s requests - publish on the Internet.
We will be able to publish the chapter, maybe in a non-art-edited version,
but with all the content, including figures (like the one I sent to Yo).
Bye for now,
Prof. Rogério Atem de Carvalho, D.Sc.
Graduation & Research Coordinator
Information Systems Research Group Coordinator
CEFET Campos
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