[Erp5-dev] Another book chapter
Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
ratem at cefetcampos.br
Fri Mar 16 22:45:15 CET 2007
I think that you also would like to know that I wrote another chapter on
ERP5 for the book
Successful OSS Project Design and Implementation: Requirements, Tools,
Social Designs, Reward Structures and Coordination Methods
You can find informaiton on it at:
In this chapter I tell ERP5 sucess history. The soon it is released I will
also ask the editor to send copies to Nexedi.
Thanks again for working with you!
Bye for now,
Prof. Rogério Atem de Carvalho, D.Sc.
Graduation & Research Coordinator
Information Systems Research Group Coordinator
CEFET Campos
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