[Erp5-dev] ERP5 Handbook announcement and cooperation invitation
Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
ratem at cefetcampos.br
Fri Mar 16 20:15:00 CET 2007
Nice innitiative!
>from direct contributions on wikipages, discussions about Handbook (which
might >be
>hosted on erp5-dev mailing list), proof-reading and checking if guide
>corresponds with reality.
I can help on proof-reading. Also we (I and Monnerat) wrote an article on
ERP5 Design Patterns that maybe will fit somewhere. Actually this article
will be submited to EIT Software
(http://www.iee.org/Publish/Journals/Profjourn/Proc/sen/) and as a series of
small articles in http://pattern.ijop.org/
Talking about this, I am member of the editorial board of IJOP, if you guys
want to submmit anything related to patterns, inside ERP5 or not, tell me.
Bye for now,
Prof. Rogério Atem de Carvalho, D.Sc.
Graduation & Research Coordinator
Information Systems Research Group Coordinator
CEFET Campos
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