[Erp5-dev] Listbox - erp5_accounting pdf reports broken

Shrenik Bhura shrenik.bhura at intelliant.net
Wed Jul 12 16:52:13 CEST 2006

It seems the changes made in revision 7837(the first step of refactoring 
ListBox) for ListBox.py have broken the pdf template based reports of 

I'm aware that the ListBox.py has undergone a major overhaul and is still 
being worked upon. Please let me know if there is any knowledge of the above 
bug and its status.

The error:
Request URL  	
Exception Type 	AssertionError
Exception Value 	table is too wide already, cannot choose a sane width for 
undefined columns

Traceback (innermost last):


      Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 101, in publish
      099 |                      missing_name,
      100 |                      dont_publish_class,
      101>|                      request, bind=1)
      102 |
      103 |        if result is not response:


      Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
      086 |
      087 |    args=tuple(args)
      088>|    if debug is not None: return debug(object,args,context)
      089 |    else: return object(*args)


      Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
      037 |
      038 |def call_object(object, args, request):
      039>|    result=apply(object,args) # Type s<cr> to step into published 
      040 |    return result
      041 |


      Module Products.ERP5Form.Report, line 147, in __call__
      145 |        extra_context['here'] = object
      146 |        extra_context['report_method'] = report_method
      147>|        return pt.pt_render(extra_context=extra_context)
      148 |
      149 |    def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw):


      Module Products.ERP5Form.PDFTemplate, line 165, in pt_render
      163 |
      164 |      report_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_report')
      165>|      pdf = report_tool.renderPDF(self.pdf_stylesheet, doc_xml, 
context=self.pt_getContext()['here'], *args, **kwargs)
      166 |      if request and not batch_mode:
      167 |        


      Module Products.ERP5Form.PDFTemplate, line 323, in renderPDF
      321 |    # create the PDF itself using the document and the template
      322 |    buf = StringIO()
      323>|    document(template,buf)
      324 |    buf.seek(0)
      325 |    return buf.read()


      Module Products.CMFReportTool.RenderPDF.Parser, line 802, in __call__
      800 |    def __call__(self,template,out=None):
      801 |        doc = self._create(template)
      802>|        return doc.create(template,out)


      Module Products.CMFReportTool.RenderPDF.Platypus, line 158, in create
      156 |        fname = out or self.filename or template.filename    
      157 |        stylesheet = template.getStyleSheet()
      158>|        return template.build(map(lambda x, 
      159 |        
      160 |


      Module Products.CMFReportTool.RenderPDF.Platypus, line 753, in build
      751 |        while len(flowables):
      752 |            self.clean_hanging()
      753>|            self.handle_flowable(flowables)
      754 | 
      755 |        self._endBuild()


      Module reportlab.platypus.doctemplate, line 562, in handle_flowable
      560 |        else:
      561 |            #try to fit it then draw it
      562>|            if self.frame.add(f, self.canv, 
      563 |                self._curPageFlowableCount = 
self._curPageFlowableCount + 1
      564 |                self.afterFlowable(f)


      Module reportlab.platypus.frames, line 124, in _add
      122 |        if h>0:
      123 |            flowable.canv = canv #so they can use stringWidth etc
      124>|            w, h = flowable.wrap(aW, h)
      125 |            del flowable.canv
      126 |        else:


      Module reportlab.platypus.tables, line 793, in wrap
      791 |
      792 |    def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
      793>|        self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
      794 |        #nice and easy, since they are predetermined size
      795 |        self.availWidth = availWidth


      Module reportlab.platypus.tables, line 439, in _calc
      437 |        #this CHANGES the widths array.
      438 |        if (None in self._colWidths or '*' in self._colWidths) and 
      439>|            W = self._calcPreliminaryWidths(availWidth) #widths
      440 |        else:
      441 |            W = None


      Module reportlab.platypus.tables, line 539, in _calcPreliminaryWidths
      537 |        newColWidths = list(W)
      538 |        guessColWidth = (availWidth - totalDefined) / 
      539>|        assert guessColWidth >= 0, "table is too wide already, 
cannot choose a sane width for undefined columns"
      540 |        if verbose: print 'assigning width %0.2f to all undefined 
columns' % guessColWidth
      541 |        for colNo in sizeable:

AssertionError: table is too wide already, cannot choose a sane width for 
undefined columns


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