[Erp5-dev] tracker is down/questions

Tracy R Reed treed at copilotconsulting.com
Thu Nov 24 08:14:30 CET 2005

Hello all,

I have been following ERP5 at a distance for a couple of years. Been
meaning to play with it but haven't had a good use for it until now. And
now that I actually want to check it out I cannot find the copy of the
livecd I burned months ago and the tracker for the torrent listed on
erp5.org download page is not accepting connections. Why can't I just
download the iso directly? Torrent is faster but when the torrent is
down a direct link would be nice. Can anyone suggest where I might be
able to download it?

Is there an ERP5 demo online somewhere? I found a mention on erp5.org in
  the documentation > evangelism section that an online demo would be
available in Q3 2004. That has long past now but I cannot find a demo.

I was looking for some sort of documentation on ERP5's accounting module
and I can't seem to find anything. While exploring the site I ran across
this link in Business Templates > ERP5 Accounting:


and when I click on it I get a whole lot of xml.

Is there any sort of ERP5 user guide or similar documentation available?
The stuff under the documentation link seems quite sparse. I am looking
at Projects > ERP5 Guide and it is quite sparse.

This mailing list barely gets any traffic. Maybe a few messages a month.
Is anyone really using/developing ERP5?

Tracy R Reed

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