[Erp5-dev] Forcing to wait reindexing

Yoshinori Okuji yo at nexedi.com
Fri Jun 24 19:44:54 CEST 2005

On Friday 24 June 2005 17:39, Guillaume MICHON wrote:
> The second solution can be made by using the 'after_method_id' argument
> when calling delivery.activate().edit(), but it is not so good I think,
> because "immediateReindexObject" is a massively called method in
> activities. Have you some ideas ?

I don't see what is bad with waiting for immediateReindexObject.

If you really need to ignore immediateReindexObject, you could use ZODB. For 
example, get simulation movements related to a given delivery by 
portal_catalog, and call isDivergent on each simulation movement. Since a 
delivery is related to only zero or one simulation movement, this should not 
be too slow. But this does not work if the simulation movement is not indexed 
at all yet.

If you are eager to implement an optimal solution, you could extend 
CMFActivity. For example, you could add after_path_and_method_id, which would 
specify (simulation_movement.getPath(), 'immediateReindexObject'). 

Yoshinori Okuji, Nexedi Research Director
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software
ERP5: Free / Open Source ERP Software for small and medium companies
Storever: OpenBrick, WiFi infrastructure, notebooks and servers

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