[Erp5-dev] naming consistency

Sebastien Robin seb at nexedi.com
Wed Apr 13 14:46:18 CEST 2005

Le mercredi 13 Avril 2005 12:27, Yoshinori Okuji a écrit :
> On Tuesday 12 April 2005 10:13 pm, Sebastien Robin wrote:
> > Indeed, the 25 aug 2004, and I'm sorry to not have noticed the
> > problem discussed below at that time.
> I didn't intend to be offensive. If you feel so, I appologize it.

I didn't feel so :-) 

> The reason is that "ID" is an abbriviation of "identifier". My way of
> thinking is that real words should be capitalized only at their first
> characters, while abbriviations should be written in uppercase
> entirely. For example, "city" is a real word. So it should be written
> as "City". "VAT" is an abbriviation, so it should be written as "VAT"
> instead of "Vat".

Ok, great, I know understand why you prefer 'ID'. I didn't know this rule.

> Some examples:
> - VAT
> - BIC
> - TEL
> - FAX
> - ID
> - Name
> - Address
> - Title
> - Tax
> - Destination
> "ID" is actually a bit complicated, because even some native speakers
> use "Id". Probably they think "id" is like a real word nowadays. In
> fact, some Zope code (not all!) use "Id". But, according to a survey on
> the Internet, "ID" is more common than "Id", and, once we accept using
> "Id", it would make our rule quite ambiguous (e.g. Is "tel" like a real
> word?).
> I will summerize this rule in a document today. If you have any
> objection, let me know as soon as possible. I'd like to reach a good
> agreement before enforcing the rule.

This rule is ok. Thank you for your explanation.


> YO

Sebastien Robin, Nexedi Technical Director
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software
ERP5: Free / Open Source ERP Software for small and medium companies
Storever: OpenBrick, WiFi infrastructure, notebooks and servers

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