[Neo-report] r2446 gregory - /trunk/tools/replication

nobody at svn.erp5.org nobody at svn.erp5.org
Tue Nov 9 16:58:32 CET 2010

Author: gregory
Date: Tue Nov  9 16:58:29 2010
New Revision: 2446

Add benchmark for replication.

    trunk/tools/replication   (with props)

Added: trunk/tools/replication
--- trunk/tools/replication (added)
+++ trunk/tools/replication [iso-8859-1] Tue Nov  9 16:58:29 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python2.4
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import transaction
+from persistent import Persistent
+from ZODB.tests.StorageTestBase import zodb_pickle
+from neo.util import p64
+from neo.protocol import CellStates
+from neo.tests.benchmark import BenchmarkRunner
+from neo.tests.functional import NEOCluster
+OBJECTS = 10000
+CUT_AT = 0
+def humanize(size):
+    units = ['%.2f KB', '%.2f MB', '%2.f GB']
+    unit = '%d bytes'
+    while size >= 1024 and units:
+        size /= 1024.0
+        unit, units = units[0], units[1:]
+    return unit % size
+class DummyObject(Persistent):
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        self._data = None
+class ReplicationBenchmark(BenchmarkRunner):
+    """ Test replication process """
+    def add_options(self, parser):
+        add_option = parser.add_option
+        add_option('', '--transactions', help="Total number of transactions")
+        add_option('', '--objects', help="Total number of objects")
+        add_option('', '--revisions', help="Number of revisions per object")
+        add_option('', '--partitions', help="Number of partition")
+        add_option('', '--object-size', help="Size of an object revision")
+        add_option('', '--cut-at', help="Populate the destination up to this %")
+    def load_options(self, options, args):
+        transactions = int(options.transactions or TRANSACTIONS)
+        objects = int(options.objects or OBJECTS)
+        revisions = int(options.revisions or REVISIONS)
+        if (objects * revisions) % transactions != 0:
+            sys.exit('Invalid parameters (need multiples)')
+        return dict(
+            partitions = int(options.partitions or PARTITIONS),
+            transactions = transactions,
+            objects = objects,
+            revisions = revisions,
+            object_size = int(options.object_size or OBJECT_SIZE),
+            cut_at = int(options.cut_at or CUT_AT),
+        )
+    def time_it(self, method, *args, **kw):
+        start = time.time()
+        method(*args, **kw)
+        return time.time() - start
+    def start(self):
+        config = self._config
+        # build a neo
+        neo = NEOCluster(
+            db_list=['neot_replication_%d' % i for i in xrange(2)],
+            clear_databases=True,
+            partitions=config.partitions,
+            replicas=1,
+            master_node_count=1,
+            verbose=False,
+        )
+        neo.start()
+        p_time = r_time = None
+        content = ''
+        try:
+            try:
+                p_time = self.time_it(self.populate, neo)
+                neo.expectOudatedCells(self._config.partitions)
+                neo.getStorageProcessList()[-1].start()
+                neo.expectRunning(neo.getStorageProcessList()[-1])
+                print "Source storage populated in %.3f secs" % p_time
+                r_time = self.time_it(self.replicate, neo)
+            except Exception:
+                content = ''.join(traceback.format_exc())
+        finally:
+            neo.stop()
+        return self.buildReport(p_time, r_time), content
+    def replicate(self, neo):
+        def number_of_oudated_cell():
+            row_list = neo.neoctl.getPartitionRowList()[1]
+            number_of_oudated = 0
+            for row in row_list:
+                for cell in row[1]:
+                    if cell[1] == CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE:
+                        number_of_oudated += 1
+            return number_of_oudated
+        start_time = time.time()
+        end_time = time.time() + 3600
+        while time.time() <= end_time and number_of_oudated_cell() > 0:
+            time.sleep(1)
+        if number_of_oudated_cell() > 0:
+            raise Exception('Replication takes too long')
+    def buildReport(self, p_time, r_time):
+        add_status = self.add_status
+        cut_at = self._config.cut_at
+        objects = self._config.objects
+        revisions = self._config.revisions
+        object_size = self._config.object_size
+        partitions = self._config.partitions
+        objects_revisions = revisions * objects
+        objects_space = objects_revisions * object_size
+        add_status('Partitions', self._config.partitions)
+        add_status('Transactions', self._config.transactions)
+        add_status('Objects', objects)
+        add_status('Revisions', revisions)
+        add_status('Cut at', '%d%%' % cut_at)
+        add_status('Object size', humanize(object_size))
+        add_status('Objects space', humanize(objects_space))
+        if p_time is None:
+            return 'Populate failed'
+        add_status('Population time', '%.3f secs' % p_time)
+        if r_time is None:
+            return 'Replication failed'
+        bandwidth = objects_space / r_time
+        add_status('Replication time', '%.3f secs' % r_time)
+        add_status('Time per partition', '%.3f secs' % (r_time / partitions))
+        add_status('Time per object', '%.3f secs' % (r_time / objects_revisions))
+        add_status('Global bandwidth', '%s/sec' % humanize(bandwidth))
+        summary = "%d%% of %s replicated at %s/sec" % (100 - cut_at,
+            humanize(objects_space), humanize(bandwidth))
+        return summary
+    def populate(self, neo):
+        print "Start populate"
+        db, conn = neo.getZODBConnection(compress=False)
+        storage = conn._storage
+        cut_at = self._config.cut_at
+        objects = self._config.objects
+        transactions = self._config.transactions
+        revisions = self._config.revisions
+        objects_turn = objects / transactions
+        objects_per_transaction = (objects * revisions) / transactions
+        objects_revisions = objects * revisions
+        base_oid = 1
+        data = zodb_pickle(DummyObject("-" * self._config.object_size))
+        prev = p64(0)
+        progress = 0
+        cutted = False
+        for tidx in xrange(transactions):
+            if not cutted and (100 * progress) / objects_revisions == cut_at:
+                print "Cut at %d%%" % (cut_at, )
+                neo.getStorageProcessList()[-1].stop()
+                cutted = True
+            txn = transaction.Transaction()
+            txn.description = "Transaction %s" % tidx
+            # print txn.description
+            storage.tpc_begin(txn)
+            for oidx in xrange(objects_per_transaction):
+                progress += 1
+                oid = base_oid + oidx
+                storage.store(p64(oid), prev, data, '', txn)
+                # print "  OID %d" % oid
+            storage.tpc_vote(txn)
+            prev = storage.tpc_finish(txn)
+            if tidx % objects_turn == 1:
+                base_oid += objects_per_transaction
+        if not cutted:
+            assert cut_at == 100
+            neo.getStorageProcessList()[-1].stop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ReplicationBenchmark().run()

Propchange: trunk/tools/replication
    svn:executable = *

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