Bartek,<br><br><br>You said:<br><br>"Otherwise - if you are not happy about it and would really like this<br>
project to have an active developer and user community - please state<br>
what you are going to do to make it happen. Open Source is truly not<br>
magic - just sitting there and complaining that people do not<br>
contribute won't do the trick. There are thousands of successful OS<br>
projects out there, and it is not a rocket science - it is not<br>
difficult to learn what it takes to make an OS project at least<br>
developer-friendly. This book: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> can be a good<br>
Please answer - and let's have it settled once and for good.<br>
Bartek"<br><br><br>A Fork of Erp5 where the Forked Erp5 provides just the very basics of what the current <br>" Nexedi Erp5 Community " does not support.<br><br>Bartek, its hard to have "Community Support" when the "Community" has no<br>
true " Community Leader ".<br><br>How can this be accomplished:<br>
---------------------------------------------<br><br>Set up a public fund where companies/interested individuals can contribute whatever amounts for a lead Developer(s) to develop the VERY BASICS of what pretends to be:<br>
<br>*Anybody's Suggestions/Ideas are welcome in addition to<br><br>*Real Documentation - Just a tad more detail than what we've seen<br><br>*Real FUNCTIONING How To's<br><br>*Real configuration file examples - This is what I posted back in December 2010:<br>
<br><div style="text-align: center;"><i><a href="" target="_blank"></a></i><br></div><br>Despite yesterday's flame war still no SAMPLE FUNCTIONING supervisor.conf<br>
file examples have been made available. I say this to say even in a Community <br>you have leaders leading the community.<br><br>Maybe a Forked Erp5 can foster such.<br><br>Can a better way be created ?<br><br>:)<br><br>