Hello All,<br><br><br>I've been following the "<span class="header_title hidden_label">How to install ERP5 from Buildout" tutorial located here:<br><br><a href="http://www.erp5.com/download/linux/Howto-Install.erp5.From.Buildout">http://www.erp5.com/download/linux/Howto-Install.erp5.From.Buildout</a><br>
<br>During the "make" command, my internet connection was reset and 'make' was unable to download the following <br>package: rdiff-backup-1.0.5.tar.gz<br><br>Just to make sure I had AT LEAST gotten Python2.4 installed, I ran the following command: <br>
<br>"</span> ls ~/erp5-software/bin "<br><br>The output of this command is:<br><br>buildout develop python2.4<br><span class="header_title hidden_label"><br>So I typed "make assert" and got the following:<br>
<br>Ran 235 Tests in 1628.520s<br>FAILED (failures=69, errors=6)<br>make: **** [assert] Error 1<br><br>How can I get "make" to continue/finish installing everything it needs to without it recompiling that which has <br>
been installed successfully?<br><br>I dont want to break what "make" has already successfully installed, but I dont want to also have to <br>run a "make clean" and restart the 'make' process from the beginning. Its taken 12 hours just <br>
to get to this point.<br><br>And yes I am running Ubuntu Server within a VirtualBox virtual machine.<br><br>Any assistance as to where I can go from here would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Thank you in advance.<br><br>Sincerely,<br>