Hi ho!<br><br>I've been looking business template for health industries and point of sales (POS) for small industries.<br>As seen on <a href="http://www.erp5.com/industry/erp5-industry-health">http://www.erp5.com/industry/erp5-industry-health</a> .there is capability of ERP5 in health industries. <br>
<br>However, I cannot find those(health industries and Point of sales) functionalities in ERP5's repository.<br>Actually, Did ERP5 have the full version for it ? or those are for commercial purpose ?<br>or perhaps, we should do a modification/configuration from "OpenSource" business templates ?<br>
<br>Thank you.<br><br><br>Best Regards,<br><br>Reza<br>-- <br>exodream - beyond a dream<br>Everyone has rights to get what they expect.<br><br>i n f i n i t y . s o l u t i o n (<a href="http://www.infi-nity.com">www.infi-nity.com</a>) - pt. vikasa infinity anugrah<br>
bsd city sektor 14 - ruko golden madrid g/9 - tangerang 15321 - indonesia<br>t: +62 (21) 5316 4796 f: +62 (21) 5316 4797 m:+62 816 956207<br>Contact me at + 62 878 3229 5036<br>