Hello,<br><br>I want to install ERP5 to evaluate it (I am particularly interested in finding out how advanced the payroll module is).<br>I tried the LiveCD (on a VM) but once it is booted there is no /var/lib/zope folder so I cannot start up Zope. Something is probably going wrong but as it is Mandriva I have not much experience (I really dislike the concept of a LiveCD to try out ERP5).<br>
<br>I am on Gentoo and would much prefer to install from sources. Thus my question is: which version of Zope is recommended?<br><br>On Gentoo zope-2.10.7 is marked as stable but 3.3.1 is available in unstable too. The additional Zope modules needed for ERP5 are available too.<br>
<br>Do you still need to apply a patch to the vanilla Zope install?<br><br>Thanks for helping,<br><br>-- <br>Jean-Noël Rivasseau<br><br>