<img height=1 width=1 src='HTTP://alpha789/php_work/mailings/view_tracker.php?sub_id=32701&nl_id=38&usr=A0A0008&code=TXpJM01ERitRSDR6T0g1QWZrRXdRVEF3TURnPQ=='><P align=justify>Dear, </P>
<P align=justify>LeadOrganizer.net is a hosted CRM for superior integrated management of leads, documents and sales force automation from BimSym-a premier application services provider (ASP). It offers businesses a full-featured affordable solution to manage every facet of lead management and customer relationship management. LeadOrganizer delivers a focused and customized solution-by blending contact management, sales force automation, and automated business and communication tools. It enhances the user's ability to use captured leads using different customer touch points. It enriches the customer experience by interacting with him using multiple marketing channels. It offers significant cost advantage of delivery.</P>
<P align=justify>Recently, while searching the Web, I happened upon your Website. I found that we have similar objectives and goals and I was very impressed with the presentation style. Given our company's goals and commitment, it is my hope that we could exchange links between your site(s) and ours. We exchange links according to our corporate link exchange policy. The page on which you will put our link should not have Page Rank less than 4.</P>
<P align=justify>We have the following web site and will post your link on it. We will need you to provide your title, description and site URL.In return, please set up following link. Our information is as under:</P>
<P align=justify>URL: http://www.leadorganizer.net<BR>Title: CRM and SFA Solutions for Insurance<BR>Description: Lead Organizer - Hosted CRM insurance application services provider (ASP), --- for superior integrated management of leads, documents and sales force automation for small and mid market (SMB) business segment.</P>
<P align=justify>Once you have placed our link, we would appreciate, if you would let us know and provide the URL of the page where it is located.</P>
<P align=justify>Thanks for your consideration!<BR>Ripal Show<BR>Reciprocal Link Manager<BR>BimSym eBusiness Solutions, Inc.<BR>rshow@bimsym.com<BR>215-639-7040</P><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 >
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                                        <td align='right'><a href='http://www.newsletterorganizer.com' target=_blank><img src='http://www.newsletterorganizer.com/newsletter/images/poweredby.gif' border=0></a> </td>