[Erp5-users] trying to compile ERP5 on HP-UX

Pelletier Vincent vincent at nexedi.com
Wed Aug 29 10:10:59 CEST 2007

Le Mercredi 29 Août 2007 08:42, sreevani tata a écrit :
>   I'm trying to port ERP5 on HP-UX .  Do I need to compile the sources to
> make ERP5 to work on HP-UX Platform or from sources can I directly install
> and configure it.

The only yhing which needs to be compiled is Zope, because we have a patch[1] 
for it. Although the patch was made on Zope 2.7.2, it can be adapted to zope 
2.8.8 (and probably for earlier 2.8 aswell) with changes in file paths.
Note that this patch is a hard requirement[2] to get ERP5 to work.

You may also have to build Zope's dependencies, and some python libraries 
required by ERP5, like python-mysql (_mysql python module, used by MySQLdb).

Besides that, everything is python and do not require a rebuild.
Though, as it is not tested on a regular basis on other operating systems. As 
we call external programs in some places (subversion tool, pdf rendering, 
possibly others) you might experience problems, but it should only impact few 

>   If  it doesn't  need any compilation then how can I Install it on HP-UX
> box?

Once Zope is built with aq_dynamic patch and you created an instance (I 
recomend using a user instance over using system-wide default instance) you 
need to check out Zope products and install their dependencies. As a 
reference, I paste here Product folder content:

Zope Products [3]:
BTreeFolder2/    OFSP/
CMFActionIcons/  PageTemplates/
CMFCalendar/     Photo/
CMFCore/         PluggableAuthService/
CMFDefault/      PluginIndexes/
CMFMailIn/       PluginRegistry/
CMFPhoto/        PythonScripts/
CMFReportTool/   Sessions/
CMFSetup/        SiteAccess/
CMFTopic/        SiteErrorLog/
CMFUid/          StandardCacheManagers/
DCWorkflow/      TemporaryFolder/
ExternalMethod/  TimerService/
ExtFile/         Transience/
Five/            ZCatalog/
Formulator/      ZCTextIndex/
iHotfix/         ZGadflyDA/
__init__.py      ZMySQLDA/
__init__.pyc     ZODBMountPoint/
Localizer/       ZopeTutorial/
MailHost/        ZReST/
MIMETools/       ZSQLMethods/

Instance Products [4]:
CMFActivity/     ERP5Security/
CMFCategory/     ERP5Subversion/
ERP5Type/        ERP5SyncML/
ERP5/            ZMySQLDA/
ERP5Catalog/     ZMySQLDDA/
ERP5Form/        ZSQLCatalog/

ERP5 requires a MySQL database with one user having full access to it ('it' = 
just one database of the MySQL server, not to the whole server).

[2] http://wiki.erp5.org/WhyAqDynamicIsRequired
[3] Third-party products, with Zope usual ones.
[4] From http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/products/

Vincent Pelletier

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